Damn Abbas and get silenced in Palestine

So this is the US and Israeli-backed Palestinian government the occupied should be loving? Dictatorship Inc. Shameful. Good reporting by George Hale in Maan: The Palestinian Authority has quietly instructed Internet providers to block access to news websites whose reporting is critical of President Mahmoud Abbas, according to senior government officials and data analyzed by…

Peacefully resisting in Israel is now illegal?

Welcome to “democratic” Israel. +972 magazine reports: Reports started flowing in at around 22:30 p.m. through text messages and phone calls. Some 15 activists from… Zochrot (“Remembering”), an Israeli NGO dedicated to preserving the memory the Palestinian Nakba (catastrophe) among the Hebrew-speaking public, had gathered in the group’s offices on Ibn Gabirol Street in central Tel…

Krugman on not writing about Israel/Palestine

Short but powerful piece by Paul Krugman on his New York Times blog: Something I’ve been meaning to do — and still don’t have the time to do properly — is say something about Peter Beinart’s brave book… The Crisis of Zionism. The truth is that like many liberal American Jews — and most American Jews…

60 Minutes unafraid to tackle Israeli apartheid first-hand

The role of mainstream media in the West to shield the public from the realities of Israeli occupation is legendary. Occasionally there is a breakthrough, such as this 2010 piece on American 60 Minutes on East Jerusalem. Yesterday the same program and the same reporter, Bob Simon, returned to the subject and covered Christians leaving…

Top leader of Hamas speaks to leading American Jewish newspaper

Now this is interesting. Forward is granted an “unprecedented” five hour interview with… Mousa Abu Marzook, Hamas’s second-highest-ranking official. Here’s one explanation from an Israeli journalist: What [Abu Marzook] really wants is for Jewish Americans to convince the Israelis that Hamas is not like an animal. Perhaps, but the content is revealing. This is not, despite…

Arabs need to be closely monitored (apparently)

Interesting and disturbing sign that racism against Arabs is a normal affair in Israel: My friend and I posed as ignorant tourists in the Old City of Jerusalem and asked an ex-IDF soldier some questions about the current situation in Israel/Palestine. Just to emphasise we are not ignorant on the conflict nor do we indorse…

Zionist Diaspora perpetuates mass Israeli paranoia

Ilan Pappe writes in the Electronic Intifada about irrational hysteria that envelops today’s Israel: Being part visitor and part inmate in the ward [Israel] I found solace in three books, each one of which tells us how best to keep our wits even when the most armed and aggressive state in the region has replaced…

G4S, like a cancer, spreads to Palestine

The role of private security companies operating globally is a massive problem that is rarely addressed in the media. I investigated the role of G4S in Pakistan recently. The BDS movement in Palestine is also going after the same firm for very good reasons: Today, on Palestinian Prisoners’ Day, we the undersigned Palestinian civil society…

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