First Julian Assange TV interview is with Hizbollah leader

A brave first call. Julian Assange speaks to Hassan Nasrallah and doesn’t take the position, as so much of the corporate media, that he’s one of the world’s greatest terrorists (which he clearly is not). They discuss Syria, Assad, Israel, Palestine, religion, God, technology, Wikileaks and the US. Assange could be more forceful with his…

In no healthy definition is Israel a democracy

Israel has a rather massive image problem that won’t be solved by more money on PR. This Haaretz editorial… says such violence isn’t an aberration, it’s part of the occupying system: From time to time the news media or human rights groups film an Israeli in uniform using excessive force against human rights or peace activists…

Radio Adelaide on Holocaust Remembrance Day and Israel 2012

I was interviewed this morning by Radio Adelaide… on the issue below and modern Zionist politics: The April/May period marks a very important time in the Jewish calendar – it is Yom HaShoah or Holocaust Remembrance Day. In Hebrew, Yom HaShoah… directly translates to the ”˜day of calamity, devastation or ruin’; and since 1953, it is a…

This is not what courage looks like over Israel/Palestine

There really isn’t much to be added to this short but incisive post by Phil Weiss on Mondoweiss except to agree with his sentiments; the lack of guts by so many mainstream American intellectuals to comment on Zionism and the Israeli occupation of Palestine, as it’s seen as negatively affecting the career. Grow a pair,…

Palestinian Christians treated like second class citizens by Jewish state

Very few people understand the reality of life under Israeli occupation. Father Peter Bray, the Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University, has regularly written missives about what it really means. This is his Easter message: Easter Sunday 8 April 2012 Greetings from this holy city of Jerusalem where again I have had the opportunity to gather…

Teaching Israel a necessary and non-violent lesson

Just another average day in occupied Palestine (via Haaretz): The state has confirmed that, acting without a court order, the army has barred Palestinian villagers from freely accessing their farmland for two years. The admission was made in the state’s response to a High Court petition filed last year by Beit Furik residents. The plots…

How one-state solution is inevitable now

Gideon Levy in Haaretz on how the two-state solution in Israel/Palestine is long dead – thank you America, settlers, the Israeli government and the Zionist Diaspora – and there’s only one outcome now: Even a dead body can sometimes twitch reflexively. Here we go again: The settlers have occupied another building. Their lawyer isn’t ashamed…

What hardline Zionists don’t want young American Jews to think

The American Jewish community is slowly but surely becoming more willing to critically debate Israel’s brutal policies towards Palestinians. Norman Finkelstein, here interviewed by Haaretz, says occupying Israel has a problem on its hands: “Nobody really defends Israel anymore,” he said in an interview. “If you go on college campuses, there are some Hillel faithfuls…

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