Murdoch press success; discuss Palestine and BDS and ignore occupation

Yet another skillful effort today in Murdoch’s Australian. It ain’t easy being so clueless on the Middle East but the paper strives for a moral blindspot and achieves an own goal: What concerns many people about the Max Brenner campaign, apart from the shadow of history, is that it is directed against something that, although…

Sydney’s 2SER Radio on aid to Palestine and Zionist lobby pressure

I recently wrote about progressive unions in Australia being pressured by the Zionist lobby, conservative politicians and elements within the Labor Party to stop supporting Palestine. I was interviewed on Sydney 2SER radio’s AidWorks program about this issue and why BDS so scares Israel firsters opposed to Palestinian rights. The segment starts around 16.38:

Today’s Murdoch hackery; accusing Israel critics of anti-Semitism

Melbourne Herald Sun writer Alan Howe just doesn’t like Arabs too much. All those free trips to Israel thanks to the Zionist lobby have worked a treat. The Jewish community must be so proud that one of the strongest advocates for Israel in the Australian media also really hates Palestinians. Well done! His latest piece,…

Breivik hated Muslims but loved Israel; discuss

Typically brilliant Slavoj Žižek from last week in the London Guardian: Breivik is antisemitic but pro-Israel, as the state of Israel is the first line of defence against the Muslim expansion – he even wants to see the Jerusalem temple rebuilt. His view is that Jews are OK as long as there aren’t too many…

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