The growth of Israeli and far-right global ties

In the last years (and in fact for many decades), the Israeli government has become increasingly close with the global far-right. Why? They often share “values”, dislike/hate Muslims, nations want Israeli defence equipment and the Jewish state needs international support for its never-ending occupation of Palestine. I wrote about this extensively in 2017 and I’ve…

How to define a people in one sentence

Mort Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, The New Republic, February 4: [Barack] Obama doesn’t understand that the Palestinians are more interested in Israel‘s destruction than in establishing a Palestinian state. This is the default Zionist lobby position. Defame an entire people, deny their right to independent thought and presume terrorism lurks within…

Academics expand Israel lobby case

My following review appears in the November Australian Literary Review: The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy By John Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt Allen Lane, 544pp, $49.95 (HB) When “realist” academics John Mearsheimer of Chicago University and Stephen M. Walt of Harvard published their essay, The Israel Lobby, in the London Review of Books…

Rudy and his love of Ayrabs

The New York Times‘ Maureen Dowd is an astute commentator who sometimes think she’s cleverer than she is (it would be nice, for a change, if she actually left Washington and saw how the average reader viewed embedded columnists such as herself.) Her latest, however, on the rantings of Republican Presidential hopeful Rudolph Giuliani –…

War without end

Tony Karon, Rootless Cosmopolitan, October 16: Not surprising, then, that Abbas and Olmert want different things from Anapolis: Abbas needs his persistence with diplomacy to be vindicated by rapid movement towards a two-state solution based on Israel’s 1967 borders, with Jerusalem the shared capital and some form of recognition of the rights of Palestinian refugees.…

Wrong priorities

Gideon Levy, Haaretz, October 7: The concern Israel demonstrates for the fate of one Palestinian boy touches the heart: Again, note what a fuss is being made about the case of the killing of Mohammed al-Dura. Our heart is impervious to the fate of other children who have been killed. Just little Mohammed continues to…

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