Home-truths ignored by Washington

Dr. Ahmad Yousuf, Hamas Senior Political Advisor, in a letter to Condoleezza Rice: On a personal note we found it amusing that a black person empathizes with Israeli deaths on the one hand and Palestinian segregation on the other if media reports are accurate. It is a military occupation, Ms. Rice. Their citizens face insecurity…

Lying is clearly good for business

The Centre for Media and Democracy has issued its annual Falsies Awards, a worthy collection of the “cynical, manipulative and just plain anti-democratic pollution of our information environment.” There are countless examples of journalists, politicians and businesses using spin as a substitute for reality. The Israel/Palestine conflict (like this) and American/Venezuelan relations (such as this)…

The ethical choice

Morality still exists in Israel: Over 10,000 posters warning of a power outage were plastered over residential doors and public locations in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa by left wing activists in protest of the government’s decision to cut-back the power supply to the Gaza Strip. Dozens of activists participated in the overnight operation which…

No peace in Israel-Palestine

My following article in the Melbourne Age, co-written with Michael Shaik, the public advocate for Australians for Palestine, is about the realities on the ground in Palestine: It is difficult to overstate the lost opportunity that last week’s Annapolis conference represents. The Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, had agreed to all of Israel’s preconditions for negotiations…

Convenient distractions

A former Israel Supreme Court Justice believes that the Jewish state is more successful than the US in protecting human rights – this is not exactly something to be proud of, considering the abomination of the Bush years and the endorsement of torture, pre-emptive war etc – and other Israelis are worried about left-wing Israeli…

A Rudd Government – ‘passionately pro-Israel?’

My latest article for Online Opinion is about Australia’s new Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and his uncritical love of the Jewish state: Not unlike many Jewish communities around the world, a leader’s credentials on Israel are praised if unconditional support is offered. Howard was loved for this reason – and a majority of Australian Jews…

A little too late

Guess who allegedly said this? “I know what its like to hear that you can’t use a certain road, or pass through a checkpoint because you are a Palestinian. I know what it is like to feel discriminated against and powerless.”

No occupation here

Jeff Halper, Counterpunch, November 28: One may well think that the struggle inside the Jewish community of Israel is between those of the political right, who want to maintain the settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank so as to “redeem” the Greater Land of Israel as a Jewish country, and those of the…

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