Inside the mind of a leftist IDF reservist

Israeli journalist and blogger Noam Sheizaf – whom I recently met in Tel Aviv – is currently on reserve duty in the West Bank. It’s an interesting role for somebody so utterly opposed to the occupation. In his latest post, he tries to explain his thinking. Welcome to the tortured mind of the progressive Israeli:…

When peace for Israelis is so easy

The New York Times today in an article that discusses the concerns felt by Israelis – yes, the poor dears have to continue occupying another people without a day’s rest – includes this telling quote: Aluf Benn, a senior journalist for the leftist newspaper Haaretz, expressed his concern last weekend in an article, saying that…

Australian Jew loves colonies and wants to build more and more

Ron Weiser, former President of the Zionist Federation of Australia, is an irregular writer for the Australian Jewish News. His latest column is a real gem, issuing predictably pro-settler sentiments, bashing Barack Obama and urging a hardline against anything even vaguely pro-Palestinian: Returning from Israel, it is interesting to note just how different the situation…

How to laugh at Arab misfortune in a few easy steps

The organisation Zochrot is a group of Israeli citizens who work to raise awareness of the Nakba, the 1948 Palestinian catastrophe. They just sent the following email: On Friday, July 31, 2009, Channel 2’s popular TV program, “Awesome Weekend,” parodied Bibi Netanyahu’s ridiculous efforts to show the world and Israelis the reality of the conflict.…

Give us a plan on colonies or stop the side-show

Zvi Bar’el in Haaretz: It should be said from the onset: Do not freeze settlement construction, do not stop it in part or periodically, not for six months, not for a single day. As long as the U.S. administration does not present a comprehensive plan that explains its endgame – what the end will look…

Not all Palestinians can be forgotten

An interesting article in the San Francisco Chronicle about Israel’s never-ending campaign to remove Palestinian identity: Peace will remain elusive so long as Israel’s approach to Palestinian refugees is to erase them from history; when Palestinian property in the West Bank continues to be expropriated and developed for Israel; or when Palestinian families must be…

Resisting occupation by a party of volunteers

The Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions hosts an annual camp for visitors to learn about the occupation and assist the building of a home for a Palestinian family. Here’s a report by a volunteer on the first day: I am here as part of a 60-member delegation to the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions seventh…

My Israel Question returns

The third edition of my first book, My Israel Question, is released in September by Melbourne University Publishing: Antony’s Loewenstein’s My Israel Question was a bestseller when first published and generated a storm of controversy, critical praise and robust public debate. Loewenstein’s forensic discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues here in a fully updated and…

The Zionist lobby’s bastard child

I wrote this morning about Orly Taitz, the woman behind the Obama “fake” birth certificate controversy. Now some more about this mysterious woman: Orly Taitz claims that she is merely a “lawyer,” with a purely “legal” interest in the details of Obama’s birth, but I obviously suspect there’s more to her Obama birth obsession than…

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