Why the web is breaking down Zionist tribalism

Following our recent video shot in Jerusalem on Americans, Jews, settlements and bigotry, one of the makers, David Jacobus, responds on Mondoweiss to some of the criticisms directed at us: As a contributor to the film Cruel but Necessary: Israeli Opinions about the Settlements and Obama, I wanted to add some perspective on the debates…

They don’t want to know about it

Gideon Levy describes an Israel I am seeing and hearing: The Israelis don’t pay any price for the injustice of the occupation, so the occupation will never end. It will not end a moment before the Israelis understand the connection between the occupation and the price they will be forced to pay. They will never…

A day in the West Bank shows ‘the soldiers are settlers but in uniform. They both symbolize the occupation.’

The following piece appeared recently on Mondoweiss: Mairav Zonszein, Antony Loewenstein and Joseph Dana write: The occupation can seem predictably mundane from a distance. To most Israelis the settlement project is seen as a problem, but a problem happening “over there” and utterly removed from their lives. Rampaging settlers are viewed occasionally on television. Violent…

Keeping the pressure on collaborators

Many activists I’m meeting in Israel tell me that this kind of campaign is the only way to save the country from itself: HeidelbergCement, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of building materials, has become the target of legal action in Israel because of its activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT). The company’s subsidiary,…

Dirty couches, dogs without water, synagogue seats, and teenage boys with light mustaches (Loewenstein visits an outpost)

My following article was recently published on Mondoweiss: Antony Loewenstein writes: Dining at a hamburger joint on the weekend in Jerusalem with a few members of Israeli… peace group Ta’ayush,including… Joseph Dana, we were struck by the people eating around us. They were mostly young, American Jews laughing and enjoying the atmosphere. They were living the dream.…

Colonies are wrong now and forever

Why oh why are the illegal settlements in the West Bank demonised so much in Israel and the West? A Zionist wonders: One of the unwritten laws of war is that the winning side is allowed to do as it pleases after the cessation of hostilities. This law is even more relevant when the victor…

How to confront an illegal outpost

I recently accompanied Israeli peace group Ta’ayush into the West Bank. My friend and colleague Joseph Dana, an American Jew who moved here a number of years ago, weekly documents the actions and films the proceedings. Here’s his report: Yesterday, members of Ta’ayush set out to have a picnic at an illegal outpost built on…

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