Keep building settlements and guarantee long-term apartheid

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman in New York on Friday: The settlements are not an obstacle to advancing peace. In the 19 years before 1967, there were no settlements but there was terror. During the disengagement, Israel evacuated 24 settlements and in response got Hamas rule in Gaza and rockets on Sderot. It’s very clear…

Why aren’t Jews outraged by Israeli occupation?

My following article appears in leading Israeli daily Haaretz: During this year’s AIPAC conference in Washington, Executive Director Howard Kohr warned the 7,000-plus crowd that the global movement to “delegitimize Israel” was gathering steam. “These voices are laying the predicate for an abandonment,” he said. His sentiments were almost apocalyptic: “The stakes in that battle…

Of course you can cease construction

Totally freezing colonies in the West Bank is doable. The political will simply isn’t there: The report in Haaretz on Tuesday whereby the U.S. administration has become convinced that it would be impossible to freeze West Bank settlement construction altogether came as a shock to Israeli peace activists. The activists quickly handed over to the…

“Send pictures to the nigger in the United States”

Neve Gordon writes in the Nation about the uber-seriousness of the Israeli state towards illegal settlers: Last week, the government sent troops to dismantle two outposts. The television networks were invited to cover the event, and that evening viewers watched how a group of settlers struggled against the most powerful military in the Middle East.…

The Australian government is on notice

The initiator of the petition against Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her impending trip to Israel, Ned Curthoys, sent the following letter to her today: Dear Julia Gillard, The following is a petition that I’m presenting to you on behalf of some 180 concerned Australians, many of them eminent names in their chosen…

The EU should listen

A statement the often feckless European Union should notice: On the occasion of the 9th EU-Israel Association Council on June 15 2009, three prominent Israeli human rights organizations call upon the EU to link the upgrade of EU-Israel relations to respect for human rights and the rule of law. In their letter to the EU…

Utterly missing the point

My following letter appears in today’s Sunday Age newspaper: The new blog the Sensible Jew (“Blog takes on the ‘swill’ who speak for Jews“, 7/6) appears unconcerned with anything other than improving the PR of the Zionist agenda. While a mature debate is raging overseas about war crimes in Gaza, ongoing settlement expansion in the…

Forcing the Israelis to see reason

Nearly six of every 10 Israelis think Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should resist U.S. demands to completely freeze construction in Jewish West Bank settlements, according to a new poll released Friday.

Torture in Israel

Yesh Din is a leading Israeli human rights group. A legal adviser to the organisation writes about a court case that highlights the barbarity in the occupied, West Bank: “Is slapping the heads of Palestinians allowed or not?” the prosecutor asked, and [Colonel Itai] Virob spilled the occupation’s contaminated truth: “A slap, sometimes a punch…

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