Yes, Olmert loved peace

Never let facts get in the way of promoting Zionist propaganda: “I offered a deal that has never been offered by any Prime Minister in the history of the State of Israel. A deal that dealt with the heart of every problem,” outgoing Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said today at a speech at the…

How long is the status-quo sustainable?

The Israel Lobby co-author John Mearsheimer asks a reasonable question: It seems clear to me and to many smart people I know that this story does not have a happy ending. Indeed, it looks like a disastrous ending. Greater Israel cannot be a democratic state, because there will soon be — if there aren’t already…

Wishful thinking and hard facts

The New York Times editorialised yesterday that it hoped and prayed Israel’s new government was serious about peace. It surely knows the truth; namely that every single Israeli government for decades has continued to expand the illegal colonies in the occupied territories: If Mr. Netanyahu is serious about being a partner for peace, he will…

And most Jews remain silent

Every day, the Israeli occupation of the West Bank worsens. The Western media barely registers this reality. News such as this: The Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) in Hebron issued a press release on Monday accusing Israeli soldiers of not living up to their responsibility towards Palestinian civilians in the occupied south Hebron hills in the…

A voice rarely heard

Our Voice – Refugee Youth Magazine is a new initiative recently launched in the West Bank as a way to show the diversity of occupied Palestinian voices: Through this project Laje’oon Center (popularly known as Lajee Center) will establish a solid network of active Youth and Cultural Centres from 6 refugee camps, spread across 6…

A message that keeps on escaping

Israeli/American activist Jeff Halper left Australia this morning after a highly successful two-week visit, speaking to a host of media, upsetting the bigoted Zionist establishment and teaching thousands of Australians about the reality of Israeli apartheid. I was proud to be a part of his visit, via Independent Australian Jewish Voices. Halper told New Matilda…

We’ve got to keep on talking

Lebanese Chess is a fascinating blog written by a Lebanese Australian. His recent post is titled, “A week of speeches“: Khatami, Halper and Loewenstein … three public speakers at Australia’s main political university, the Australian National University (ANU), in a week. I went to see them all, and nothing much out of the three surprised…

Killing itself softly

The facts speak for themselves; Israel’s colonial project is endangering its future: A field study conducted by the Applied Research Institute (ARIJ) reported that the Israeli state had significantly increased the illegal construction of settlements in the occupied West Bank with a percentage that reached 173%. ARIJ reported that the number of settlers currently living…

Building a new kind of Judaism

My following letter was not published in today’s Sydney Morning Herald: As an Australian Jew, I stand alongside the Palestinians with millions of other Jews around the globe. The tragedy of their situation, inflicted by Israel and the Western powers, requires a simple moral reasoning; Jews are no longer the victim. Judaism is not Zionism.…

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