Israel, you’ve gone too far

My latest article for New Matilda is about Israel’s lies in Gaza: The international Jewish community is divided over the latest offensive in Gaza, writes Antony Loewenstein When the fighting eventually ends between Israel and Hamas, what will remain of the Gaza Strip and its people? One local Zionist leader will have us believe that…

How to look like you’re ethical

In my recent essay in Overland magazine, The Resource Wars, I argued, among many other things, that the Jewish state was allowed to commit war crimes by much of the West because of the Holocaust, the Zionist lobby and racism towards Arabs. In this week’s Australian Jewish News, regular columnist Michael Visontay, senior editor in…

The days of the blank cheque coming to an end?

Aaron David Miller has been an adviser for Democratic and Republication administrations. He offers some necessary pointers to Barack Obama: In 25 years of working on this issue for six secretaries of state, I can’t recall one meeting where we had a serious discussion with an Israeli prime minister about the damage that settlement activity—including…

The only real way forward

Financial Times, January 4: Gazans have been under blockade since Palestinians had the temerity to elect Hamas three years ago, while Israel has significantly expanded its occupation of the West Bank and Arab east Jerusalem. This is a conflict that can end only if an independent Palestinian state is created on all that occupied land.…

Gaza distorted by the media lens

The following article, co-written with Peter Slezak, was published today on Online Opinion: Palestinians are paying the price for what we in the West are doing, or rather, failing to do. Israel and its “supporters” rely on rewriting history even as it happens, with the complicity of our media and politicians. The average television viewer…

The colonial cancer

Is Britain starting to grow a backbone against Zionist intimidation? Britain’s envoy to the Middle East on Monday said the United Kingdom would continue its fight against West Bank settlements, but would not mount a broader divestment campaign. “This isn’t about boycotting Israel. The settlements are not Israel,” said Bill Rammell. He made the comments…

Illegality hits home

The British government is stepping up measures against settlements in the West Bank in an effort to stop their further expansion. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown recently instructed the Foreign Office to issue a warning to British citizens against the purchase of houses and real estate in the settlements.

The delicate Zionist touch

One of Israel’s finest journalists, Amira Hass, on Israel’s shocking policies towards Gaza and the Hamas effect: The first thing that captures your eyes, after two years away, is a visual quiet. Gone are the flags of every color (including green) that once flew everywhere; the billboards commemorating shaheeds with their weapons, new ones popping…

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