Widening the debate down under

As a co-founder of Independent Australian Jewish Voices, the following email was just sent out to our list: Dear friends, Since we were last in touch, we’ve been making efforts with other groups to organise visiting speakers along the lines we had indicated. We would like to inform you of our plans. Jeff Halper, a…

The screwed-up state

Aluf Benn, Haaretz, October 2: The West Bank separation fence divides Israeli society into two worlds utterly different in their perceptions of reality and of the problems that affect them. On one side are those disturbed by the crisis on Wall Street, by the lack of leadership and the Iranian threat. Few worry about what…

A complete lack of feeling

A slice of daily life in Palestine under the Israeli jackboot (written by one of the finest journalists in that country, Gideon Levy): Nothing helped. Not the pleas, not the cries of the woman in labor, not the father’s explanations in excellent Hebrew, nor the blood that flowed in the car. The commander of the…

True words, but…

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert: “Greater Israel is over. There is no such thing. Anyone who talks that way is deluding themselves. During Camp David I thought that [then prime minister] Ehud Barak’s concessions were too much, and I told him as much. I thought that land from the Jordan River through to the sea…

When peace is never achievable

Middle East Report editorial, Fall 2008: It’s easy to forget, but the United States has a pressing year-end deadline to meet in Israel-Palestine as well as in Iraq. At Annapolis in November 2007, President George W. Bush, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas pledged to “make every effort” to hammer out…

What Jews are doing now

Jeff Halper, Znet, September 8: Warehousing is the best, if bleakest, term for what Israel is constructing for the Palestinians of the Occupied Territories. It is indeed worse than the apartheid-era South African bantustans. The ten non-viable mini-states established by South Africa for the black African majority on only 11% of the country’s land were,…

An undeniable truth

Israeli human rights activist Jeff Halper, who recently broke the blockade of Gaza, articulates a real Jewish humanity: To be honest, we Israeli Jews are the problem. The Palestinian years ago accepted our existence in the country as a people and are willing to accept ANY solution — two states, one state, no state, whatever.…

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