Telling it like it isn’t (on Israel/Palestine)

My latest New Matilda column is about the Western media’s delusions over the Middle East: Distortions, delusions, misrepresentations. No wonder Western leaders and media don’t understand the popularity of groups like Hezbollah and Hamas in the Arab world It shouldn’t come as any surprise that Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah is consistently voted the most popular…

How to create anti-Israeli activists

Israeli human rights group B’Tselem releases a video that reveals yet more evidence of the Jewish state’s brutality in the occupied territories: Today, B’Tselem is publishing a video clip documenting a soldier firing a rubber coated steel bullet, from extremely close range, at a cuffed and blindfolded Palestinian detainee. The shooting took place in the…

Jews on Jews

My following article appears in Online Opinion: The 60th anniversary of Israel’s birth saw a flurry of praise by the worldwide Zionist community. The Australian Jewish News editorialised that “Jews all over the world feel Israel is the most special place on earth”. Furthermore, “the Israeli Defence Forces are the envy of the world ”¦…

That necessary comparison

Veterans of the anti-apartheid struggle said last night that the restrictions endured by Palestinians in the Israeli-occupied territories was in some respects worse than that imposed on the black majority under white rule in South Africa.

Arabs shunned, Jews sigh

While legal challenges continue over Israel’s illegal occupation of the West Bank – and the vast majority of the Jewish Diaspora remains silent in the face of daily abuses against the Palestinians – a new report speaks volumes about the true nature of “democratic” Israel: Jews live longer and enjoy lower infant mortality and poverty…

Hope in a sling shot

The following short clip is from a forthcoming feature-length documentary by Sydney film-maker Inka Stafrace about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. It focuses primarily on Israel’s brutal occupation of the West Bank. I was a consultant on the movie:

Jewish impediment to peace, part 5673

Prof. Mordechai Kedar of the Arab Studies Department in Bar-Ilan University argues on al-Jazeera that Jerusalem will always remain the undivided capital of the Jewish state and Israel’s occupation of the West Bank isn’t actually an occupation at all. These are the voices, too rarely heard in the West, that have made a two-state solution…

Europe’s Holocaust guilt

Gideon Levy, Haaretz, June 15: How pleasant it is to be an official representative of Israel in Europe right now. It hasn’t been so pleasant for a long time. And not just because of the spectacular spring in the Luxembourg Gardens in Paris, the crowded pubs in Athens or the young people sunbathing nude in…

Name-calling by the blind

Following my debate last week on SBS Television regarding Israel/Palestine and the death of American peace activist Rachel Corrie, the following comment was left on the program’s website by Melbourne-based Jewish writer, Philip Mendes: Rachel Corrie’s death is no more or less tragic than the deaths of many Israelis and Palestinians in this horrendous conflict.…

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