A celebration that ignores the plight of Palestine

My following piece in the Melbourne Age, co-written with Michael Shaik, reflects on Israel’s 60th anniversary: “If you will it,” wrote Theodore Herzl, the founding father of the Zionist movement, in 1902, “it is no dream.” The dream to which he referred was the establishment of a Jewish state in the Arab country of Palestine.…

Old ways no longer work

I sent the following (unpublished) letter to the Sydney Morning Herald yesterday: Israel’s 60th birthday is being celebrated by Jews the world over but a growing number of global citizens share the view of South African liberation hero Desmond Tutu who said after returning from the Holy Land: “It reminded me so much of what…

Lessons in resistance

Non-violent resistance to Israeli occupation lives: Today, for a few hours, Palestinians took control over an illegal Israeli settler outpost on the outskirts of Ramallah. Replacing Israeli flags with Palestinian ones, Mohammed Al-Khattib and other members of the Bil’in Popular Committee Against the Wall, accompanied by Israeli anti-occupation activists from Anarchists Against the Wall and…

Israel’s gift to the world

A group of former Israeli soldiers describe their experiences in the occupied town of Hebron. Apartheid, violence and abuse. Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa writes what many foreigners feel about the Jewish state’s inhumanity: No one told me this: I saw it with my own eyes and heard with my own ears from the victims…

Documenting Jewish abuse

The humanitarian spirit of Judaism refuses to endorse Zionist oppression: In January 2007, B’Tselem launched “Shooting Back”, a video advocacy project focusing on the Occupied Territories. We provide Palestinians living in high-conflict areas with video cameras, with the goal of bringing the reality of their lives under occupation to the attention of the Israeli and…

Avoiding realities

Israelis ambivalent at 60th celebrations. As it should be, illegally occupying another nation and people for decades. (Of course, leading Zionists simply mouth platitudes about Palestinian “terrorism” and conclude that Palestinian independence is an impossibility. They may find themselves overwhelmed soon enough.)

Zionist delusions in full display

Following the Zionist response yesterday in the Melbourne Age to a recent article about Israel’s true history, two letters in today’s edition: Lamm is wrong ”¦ DANNY Lamm’s “she’s always right” take on Israel (Opinion, 7/4) runs counter to the evidence. Lamm’s line that “Israel and the Palestinian Authority are working together with great difficulty…

We must engage Hamas

My latest New Matilda column is about the need to talk to Hamas and speak honestly about Israel’s ever-expanding occupation: The international isolation of Hamas has failed. This is not merely the opinion of those who believe that the democratically elected Palestinian Government should be engaged, but includes a number of prominent Israelis, including Yossi…

The Zionist lobby’s road map of delusion

Following my recent joint op-ed in the Melbourne Age – on the reality of life in racially exclusionary Israel/Palestine – today the inevitable response from the Zionist lobby. It’s almost embarrassing in its simplicity and dishonesty. So, below are the tried and true methods of the lobby’s (increasingly futile) points of attack: – Allege Israel…

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