Defeat: Why They Lost Iraq

My following book review appeared in the Melbourne Age on April 19: On the fifth anniversary the Iraq War, The Independent’s Patrick Cockburn, the finest Western reporter in Iraq, wrote that the conflict “has been one of the most disastrous wars ever fought by Britain. It has been small but we achieved nothing . .…

Time to get a room

Britain’s The Independent has a crush on Kevin Rudd: We were looking forward to Kevin Rudd’s term as Australia’s Prime Minister, and so far we have not been disappointed. On the contrary, with his plain speaking, his firm principles as a politician and – a bit of a luxury, this – his fluent Mandarin, Mr…

Spicing up your visit

Robert Fisk and The Independent are being sued for libel over an article that alleged a hotel in Beirut, the Mayflower -…  where I stayed in 2005, oddly enough – was where readers could find Lebanese militias. For the record, the Mayflower was a comfortable place with a bustling bar. Militias? They must have been…