On illegal Israeli colonies in the West Bank (and their legality or otherwise)

The Trump administration recently announced that illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine don’t violate international law (a view held by virtually nobody). I was interviewed by international broadcaster TRT World about the decision: Despite the enormous pressure from Israel and divided leadership, most Palestinians still want to stay in their homeland at any cost. “The truth…

A day in the life of the occupied Jordan Valley

My investigation in global broadcaster TRT World: The Palestinian shepherds in the Auja region of the Jordan Valley were scared. Living under Israeli occupation and harassed daily by both the Israeli army and Jewish settlers, they wanted to herd their sheep across the green, rolling hills. On the day I recently visited, the Palestinians were…

The growth of Israeli and far-right global ties

In the last years (and in fact for many decades), the Israeli government has become increasingly close with the global far-right. Why? They often share “values”, dislike/hate Muslims, nations want Israeli defence equipment and the Jewish state needs international support for its never-ending occupation of Palestine. I wrote about this extensively in 2017 and I’ve…

What will happen to the vast resources in Afghanistan?

My 4000-word investigation in US magazine The Nation is on Afghanistan and the rush to exploit its natural resources. Based on explosive, leaked documents, the story uncovers how the Trump administration is pressuring the Kabul government to issue contracts to the highest bidder. Increased violence against civilians is assured. Foreign companies, Blackwater founder Erik Prince…