The following news story and interview, by Rob Bates (photo by Alan Place), appears in this week’s Wentworth Courier newspaper: Controversial author, journalist and blogger Antony Loewenstein will host an event at Paddington’s Fringe Bar to discuss internet censorship and the brave few who rise against it. Loewenstein’s first book, My Israel Question, received mixed…
Showing all posts tagged Wikipedia

You can’t beat the Wikipedia bug
Crooked Timber asks a legitimate question: Can anyone help me understand why some people are so vehemently opposed to certain people (or topics) having entries on Wikipedia? Why do people get so worked up about the mere existence of certain entries? Currently, an entry for Joe the Plumber is being debated. Does it really dilute…

Contact with the regime
What happened when the founder of Wikipedia met a leading Chinese internet censorship official?

The online conundrum
Taking the internet and putting it in the real world: German publishing giant Bertelsmann plans to publish the world’s first reference book based on entries gathered from Wikipedia, the mammoth online encyclopedia written by volunteers. Bertelsmann believes some people who would rather leaf through a hands-on, printed book than surf through the Internet. The company…

When real history isn’t accurate enough
Revealed: how the Zionist lobby attempts to rewrite history and dishonesty change entries on Wikipedia.

American tax-dollars well spent
And you thought Guantanamo Bay was just about illegal detention and torture? Think again (thanks to the essential Wikileaks site): The US detention facility at Guantanamo Bay has been caught conducting covert propaganda attacks on the internet. The attacks, exposed this week in a report by the government transparency group Wikileaks, include deleting detainee ID…