Israeli dissident journalist Gideon Levy speaks in Sydney

Gideon Levy is one of Israel’s most outspoken journalists. He’s been writing for decades in Israeli newspaper Haaretz about the devastating effects of the never-ending Israeli occupation of Palestine. I first met Gideon in Tel Aviv in 2005 when I was researching my first book, My Israel Question. Since then, he’s become an inspiration for…

The Wire interview on Trump moving US embassy to Jerusalem

US President Donald Trump’s decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem is unsurprising and clarifying. It proves, once and for all, that Washington will only do the bidding of the Jewish state. I was interviewed on Australian news program The Wire about the move: Access and ownership of Jerusalem have been a hot issue…

Is it time to boycott Australia over its refugee policies?

My following article appears in Australian news outlet, Crikey: Let’s talk about boycotting Australia. Australia’s war on asylum seekers at Manus Island, Nauru and other privatised detention facilities on the Australian mainland is seemingly unstoppable by traditional means. While condemned by every human rights organisation in the world, Canberra is unmoved. The demonisation of (mostly)…

ABCTV Lateline interview on Israel/Palestine

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten travelled to Israel this week to “celebrate” the 100-year anniversary of Beersheba and the Balfour Declaration. Palestine was barely on the agenda. After living in East Jerusalem for the last 1.5 years, I was interviewed for Lateline by ABC TV reporter Michael Vincent on the…

Who is trying to silence Israeli journalist David Sheen?

Israeli-Canadian journalist David Sheen is facing a major legal battle in Israel.…  I’ve investigated the story in British outlet The New Arab: Israel promotes itself as the only democracy in the Middle East. Former prime minister Ehud Barak once described his nation as a “villa in the jungle“. But recent years have seen a major…

Supporting beleaguered Israeli/Canadian journalist David Sheen

During my recent 1.5 years living in Jerusalem, I became friends with the great Israeli-Canadian journalist David Sheen. He’s one of the sharpest reporters on Israel’s far-right turn including the Jewish state’s war on African refugees. He’s currently embroiled in a legal case in Israel that goes to the heart of that country’s increasing opposition…

ABC TV The Drum on refugees, boycotting Australia and Israel/Palestine

This week I appeared on ABC TV’s The Drum talking about Australia’s awful refugee policies, Israel/Palestine and the Israel lobby’s pernicious attacks on anybody who dares challenge the Jewish state: The show has gone viral. One clip, of fellow journalist John Lyons and I talking about the Zionist lobby’s pressuring of critical voices, has been…

The Wire interview on Netanyahu, Israel and its contempt for Europe

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been caught speaking privately against the European Union and its often critical stance towards Israel. In reality, the EU occasionally condemns the Israeli occupation of Palestine but continues to maintain very close ties with the Jewish state. Today I was interviewed by Australian current affairs show, The Wire, about…

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