Is Australia capable of showing any backing for Palestine?

On current evidence, the Australian government is (close to being) utterly captured by the Zionist lobby, the US alliance and blindness towards racial apartheid in the occupied territories. Are we capable of leading on this issue, and recognising that simply indulging Israeli behaviour is the worst possible friendship? Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd wants Australia to…

Here’s how Israelis become racist brutes in the IDF

The evidence is clear and reminds us of similar, colonial-era nations, including Australia, desperate to prove the morality of its ethnic cleansing: (via the UK Observer): Nurit Peled-Elhanan, an Israeli academic, mother and political radical, summons up an image of rows of Jewish schoolchildren, bent over their books, learning about their neighbours, the Palestinians. But,…

Israeli paper sorry it publicly stated its dislike for racial diversity

Just after the massacre in Norway, the pro-settler Jerusalem Post wrote an editorial that appeared to blame multiculturalism for the crimes of Anders Behring Breivik. What the world needs is ethnically pure nations (like Israel?). The paper has now issued an “apology”. The message? We’re so sorry that readers would think we hate Muslims: A…

What scared Zionists need to hear daily; everybody hates us, always

Just what the Australian Jewish community needs. A leading Jewish American, Zionist lobbyist – David Harris is the Executive Director of the the American Jewish Committee – comes here and talks about how weak Jews are and how the world hates Jews/Israel/democracy. Make people scared. Keep them ignorant. Don’t explain why growing numbers of people…

Few thoughts about Palestinian Authority spokesman Ghassan Khatib

I heard him speak yesterday at the New South Wales parliament (he’s in Australia trying to convince the madly pro-Zionist Australian government to view Palestinians as human beings, so good luck with that). Khatib talked about the proposed UN vote on Palestine in September and spoke creatively about the alleged readiness of Palestine for statehood,…

Liberal Norwegians back Palestine so therefore what do they expect?

While both the Left and Right have widely discussed the political ramifications of the massacre in Norway, it takes a particular hardline Zionist, in the Jerusalem Post, to write this (thank you Barry Rubin for revealing what Zionism has done to my people): One of the most sensitive aspects of the murderous terrorist attack in…

Israel’s fear of real free speech underlines its authoritarian heart

Ahmad Tibi, an Arab Israeli, is deputy speaker of the Israeli Parliament and has written the following article in the International Herald Tribune: Free speech in Israel was dealt a severe blow this month when the country’s Parliament passed antiboycott legislation that targets individuals or organizations publicly calling for a boycott against Israel or any…

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