Zionists get priorities right; phone hacking, whatever. Israel main concern

JTA reports: Murdoch’s affection for Israel arose less out of his conservative sensibility than from his native Australian sympathy for the underdog fending off elites seized by conventional wisdoms, according to Isi Liebler, a longtime Australian Jewish community leader who now lives in Israel. “From my personal communications with him, it’s something that built up,”…

What Australian politicians must ask media heads and not just Murdoch

We’re learning more and more about the culture of entitlement, arrogance and denial within the Murdoch empire. Here in Australia, there are growing calls for a parliamentary inquiry into the power of the media and lack of regulation. New Matilda has a few ideas and I was asked for mine: A parliamentary inquiry into the…

Business as usual with an occupier isn’t feasible

The Electronic Intifada’s Ali Abunimah tells Haaretz why Israel must pay a price for colonising Palestinian land: As long as there is no pressure on Israel, Israel will not change. Following the Oslo Accords, there were a lot of ‘joint projects’ – in health, environment, training, and many of these were funded by the European…

One Murdoch realises Palestinian reality

Fascinating historical recollection: In 2002, [former Labour spin doctor Alastair] Campbell records in his diaries, Rupert Murdoch, James and Lachlan came to dinner at Downing Street. The conversation turned to the Middle East: “[Rupert] Murdoch said he didn’t see what the Palestinians’ problem was and James said it was that they were kicked out of…

Liberal Zionists struggle with brutal Israeli realities

Some, like editors of the Australian Jewish News, simply don’t see themselves as liberal at all and prefer to blindly back Israeli policies because they perceive their role as Diaspora Jews to be robots without thought. That’s what Zionism has done to my people. Witness a recent editorial on BDS: The hostile mob arrayed outside…

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