Sri Lanka is a heart of darkness where murder is encouraged

Today’s Guardian editorial is a powerful indictment against any government, journalist or official who views Colombo as a model when fighting “terrorism”. The UN is also complicit. The take-away message is that murdering civilians during wars (something many nations are very good at, including the US, Israel, Congo and a host of others) must be…

Because that’s all many Jews have

From the new book by American Jew Jack Ross: The writer Irving Howe, who came to bitterly regret his alliance with the neoconservatives in his final years, gave a speech in 1989 foreseeing that “because the religion of most American Jews is not serious, it has become almost totally defined by Israel, and a major…

Hands up Americans who love Zionist apartheid?

Quite a few: A new poll conducted by American news network CNN has reported that 67 percent of the American public feel sympathy for Israelis and not Palestinians, compared with 16% who claim to side with the Palestinians rather than Israel. The poll was conducted by telephone from May 24-26. 1,007 adult Americans were asked…

An interview on Palestine, boycott, Jews, Zionism, Australia and blindness

My following interview, conducted by Sarah Irving, appears in the Electronic Intifada: Antony Loewenstein (“ is a writer and journalist based in Sydney, Australia and a founder of Independent Australian Jewish Voices. His first book, My Israel Question, was an Australian best-seller and was short-listed for the 2007 New South Wales Premier’s Literary Award; an…

I mean, what would Desmond Tutu know about apartheid anyway?

He’s compared the situation in Palestine today to those suffered by blacks under apartheid in South Africa. But comically, Murdoch’s Australian newspaper – always a wonderful defender of the underdog as long as they have solid business or media contacts – thinks Tutu should shut up about Palestine. It’s not like he has any clue…

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