Supporting Palestinian rights makes you “anti-Israel”

This weekend I’m speaking at the Sydney Palestine conference organised by the Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine. I’m talking about the Arab revolutions and their effect on Palestine, the myopic Australian Jewish community and the media’s inability to speak honestly about Palestinians (I’m looking at you, Murdoch press, who seem to believe that…

Palestinian rights barely exist for Australian politicians

It takes a certain kind of chutzpah for corporatised leaders to continue praising “democratic” Israel. Today in the Australian parliament the following was put on the record. Leader of the Opposition in the Senate (Liberal Senator Eric Abetz): To move—That the Senate— (a) notes: (i) its decision on 23 March 2011 to acknowledge that Israel…

Assad associate warns of chaos if he goes

Of course they would say this but note the warning to Israel. The essential Anthony Shadid in the New York Times: Syria’s ruling elite, a tight-knit circle at the nexus of absolute power, loyalty to family and a visceral instinct for survival, will fight to the end in a struggle that could cast the Middle…

Israel cancels Palestinian lives and world offers more love

Welcome to Zionist “democracy”: Israel has used a covert procedure to cancel the residency status of 140,000 West Bank Palestinians between 1967 and 1994, the legal advisor for the Judea and Samaria Justice Ministry’s office admits, in a new document obtained by Haaretz. The document was written after the Center for the Defense of the…

Bin Laden bled US and continues to do so

Asking questions about the Western obsession with Osama Bin Laden brings spluttering from certain areas of the elite class (indeed, so does saying anything against the glorious Zionist state, as a blogger in today’s Murdoch Australian says I’m polluting the ABC with anti-Israel material. Thank God standing up for Palestinians receives this bile). The real…

BDS victory; Deutsche Bahn refuses to back apartheid plan

Who says that pro-Palestinian campaigning can’t result in better outcomes for those living under Zionist occupation? The Financial Times reports: Deutsche Bahn, the German railway operator, has pulled out of an Israeli project that cuts through the occupied Palestinian West Bank, after pressure from activists and Berlin. The move marks a victory for pro-Palestinian groups…

Who knew I was a nihilist leftist who loathes Western civilisation?

So I wrote an article for the ABC last week on the murder of Osama Bin Laden. I asked questions about his death, the significance of his assassination, the role of Al-Qaeda in making the US an insanely paranoid security state post 9/11 and the terror leader’s relevance (or otherwise) during the Arab Spring. But…

Middle East revolutions happened despite of us

The social and political significance of the ongoing Arab revolutions are powerful. Last Friday I spoke in Sydney alongside insightful American reporter Matthew Cassel – who recently was on the front line of the Egyptian revolution and is soon to work for Al-Jazeera English – and Australian journalist Kate Ausburn. It was a fascinating night…

Arab democracy bad for Israel (says prominent US Zionist)

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman has spent his life protecting poor little Israel and writing columns from his ivory tower. His latest piece proves what many people have been saying for a long time; Zionism cannot thrive, let alone survive, with real democracy in the Middle East. What does that say about supposed Jewish…

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