US magazine Truthout interview on disaster capitalism and Gaza

My interview in US magazine Truthout by Dan Falcone: Dan Falcone recently interviewed journalist, blogger, filmmaker,… activist and author Antony Loewenstein in East Jerusalem via Skype to discuss his current film project,… Disaster Capitalism… — inspired by his 2015 book,… Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe… (Verso, 2015),… as well as a host of domestic and foreign issues impacting…

Never-ending traumas in South Sudan

My book review in the Los Angeles Review of Books: Next Time They’ll Come to Count the Dead:… War And Survival in South Sudan By Nick Turse Published 05.03.2016 Haymarket Books 220 Pages South Sudan is a country that almost everybody shamefully forgets. Declared independent in 2011, and still the world’s newest nation, it was engulfed…

Newsweek Middle East cover story on Israel's settler movement

I’m now based in East Jerusalem as a freelance journalist and I was thrilled to recently secure the cover story in Newsweek Middle East (15 June edition) on Israel’s settler movement (+ here are my photos from the assignment): The full story, over 3000 words, is below (and here’s the published PDF version: newsweekfeatureonisraelisettlers): Har…

Oppose Israeli occupation, face Zionist lobby tears

Australian Zionist lobby group AIJAC have been attacking me for over a decade for daring to challenge the Israeli occupation of Palestine and questioning their blind and obedient support for Israeli violence. Years ago they consistently tried to bully editors and publishers against publishing my work. It was a spectacular failure. The pro-occupation organisation is…

Palestinian NGO wants to break free of foreign funding

My feature in US magazine Mondoweiss: Palestinians in Jerusalem, and the state of the city itself, are routinely ignored in much international press coverage of the Israel/Palestine conflict. While the rise in Jewish, religious fundamentalism is central to understanding the current state of Israel – a recent… Reuters report… on religious Zionism within governmental and military ranks…

How occupation truths about Palestine often hidden by politicians and reporters

My column in the Guardian: New South Wales Premier Mike Baird… recently visited Israel… and Palestine, the first for a sitting leader of the Australian state. After travelling to the occupied West Bank and seeing the Aida refugee camp, Baird… wrote on Facebook… that the situation was “heartbreaking.” He continued: “I don’t know where the cycle of thousands of…

The risk and financial cost of speaking honestly about Israel/Palestine

Crikey is one of Australia’s best independent news websites. I… contributed extensively over the years from 2009 – 2012. Its current departing editor, Marni Cordell, with whom I worked when she edited another great Australian site, New Matilda, has written a revealing article that interviews previous Crikey editors and their experiences. It contains this anecdote that…

Why one-state for Palestine/Israel continues to be best option

In 2012 I co-edited a collection with Ahmed Moor called After Zionism: One State for Israel and Palestine. The issues within it have continued to become more relevant as… the two-state “solution” is increasingly viewed as unworkable and unethical. A long essay in the New Left Review by Perry Anderson discusses the necessity of one-state for… long-term…

The importance of creating a one-state solution in Palestine

My book review in Electronic Intifada: The Re-Emergence of the Single State Solution in Palestine/Israel… by Cherine Hussein (Routledge, 2015) The death of the… two-state solution… for Israel and Palestine has been a long time coming. Israeli journalist… Avi Issacharoff… recently… wrote in… The Times of Israel… that the settler movement had “won.” “No Palestinian state will exist here beside the State of…

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