Sydney rally for Wikileaks on 14 December

Demonstration to Free Julian Assange and Defend Wikileaks – Sydney Town Hall, Tuesday 14th December, 5.30pm On Tuesday, the Westminster Magistrates’ Court will decide the outcome of Julian Assange’s bail application. Alongside global demonstrations on this day, a rally will be held in Sydney. Spokesperson Antony Loewenstein, an independent journalist and author of My Israel…

Friedman fears a nation with equal rights for all

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman is a little worried that a one-state solution may be coming to the Middle East because both Israel and Palestine supposedly aren’t serious about building a two-state solution. Now whose fault would that be? Perhaps a US government (and Zionist lobby) who have indulged Zionist violence and settlements for…

Avrum Burg: “Israel is mortally sick”

From the East Jerusalem Sheikh Jarrah protest website comes this: On Tuesday, 7.12, Israel took another step down… an alarming… slope. 50… state-employed rabbies issued a Hallakaic ban on selling or leasing… apartments or lands to non-Jews.… … The following day some 300 Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity Movement activists congregated outside of Jerusalem’s Great Synagogues to demand the immediate dissmisal of these…

People of Gaza remain under siege and largely ignored

Life is anything but normal in the Gaza Strip: Air strikes by Israeli warplanes at dawn on Thursday caused serious damage to the Gaza Strip’s only power plant, plunging the territory — which already suffers from frequent outages — into darkness. Media reports said the air strikes hit two sites belonging to Hamas near the…

So many Jews are AWOL on Palestinian rights

To his credit, Roger Cohen highlights in the New York Times the ongoing denial of mainstream Zionist groups in the US: Ira Stup was raised in Philadelphia attending Jewish day school and camps. He found his home in the Jewish community and was “intoxicated with Jewish democracy” as framed in the ideals of Israel’s foundation.…

Nothing to criticise because hating Arabs isn’t such a big deal

What’s a little racism against Arabs? The heads of Israel’s legal establishment have yet to express a public position on a religious ruling signed by dozens of prominent rabbis calling for people not to rent homes to non-Jews. Neither Justice Minister Ya’akov Ne’eman nor Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein has responded to a petition calling for…

Gillard is pro-Israel and pro-US and gets tick from US

It’s almost inevitable that anybody who would become Prime Minister of Australia has been vetted by Washington. By the time a person is near the top job, their views on a range of issues is known. Not being utterly in thrall to America would cause angst in the corridors of power. Pressure would be applied.…

Main Zionist ally simply gives up

What a joke. “Yes We Can’t” Obama in action: After three weeks of fruitless haggling with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Obama administration has given up its effort to persuade the Israeli government to freeze construction of Jewish settlements for 90 days, a senior administration official said Tuesday. The decision leaves Middle East peace talks…

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