The English Defence League and Zionism; friends forever?

The increasing ties between the hard-right and Zionism is clear. Israel has few friends in the world and the far-right loves the Jewish state for its abusive treatment of Arabs and Palestinian. Witness the upcoming visit to Israel by Dutch politician Geert Wilders to speak about creating a Palestinian state in Jordan. My friend and…

Young Jews lead the way for Palestinian rights

This is what democracy about; not respecting leaders who actively oppress another people: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the Jewish Federations General Assembly on Monday was marked by repeated heckling from members of the audience, who were then unceremoniously escorted from the plush ballroom. The first heckler, who interrupted Netanyahu barely moments after he…

Real friends of Israel see it running off a cliff

Gideon Levy in Haaretz on challenging delusional Zionism: Today, your representatives will open your great annual convention, the General Assembly. Between New Orleans’ Marriott and Sheraton hotels, you will be sated with lectures and lecturers, panels and discussion groups. Some will be about you, and some will be about us Israelis. Once again, you will…

Destroy Iran and be called a moderate US politician

A leading American politician on utterly destroying the Islamic Republic. Just imagine if an Iranian leader spoke about bombing and killing US troops: A leading US senator on defense issues said Saturday any military strike on Iran to stop its nuclear program must also strive to take out Iran’s military capability. Sen. Lindsey Graham, a…

How dare critics challenge the “glorious heritage” of Zionism?

Zionist democracy exists only to serve groups and individuals who back the glorious Jewish state. A real democracy both allows and supports robust dissent; Israel is not that country: A number of MKs are objecting to the ongoing artists’ boycott of the soon-to-open Ariel culture center, and on Saturday MK Yariv Levin (Likud) suggested the…

Rajapakse gets a taste of his caged future

It’s not just Israeli war criminals who have to watch where they travel; justice will follow you everywhere: The president of Sri Lanka has called off a visit to Britain after exiled Tamil groups announced that they would attempt to have him arrested over alleged war crimes. The trip by Mahinda Rajapakse, which would have…

Cut US aid to Israel and do everybody a favour

Andrew Sullivan, a leading American blogger and increasing critic of Israel, mirroring the justified mood of the times: I’d cut off aid myself – because they don’t need it and we cannot afford it – not as a pressure tactic. But even if you did, the key issue seems to me to be the UN…

The colony building business is making less business sense

Another victory in the growing BDS movement: Africa Israel, the flagship company of Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev, announced this week that it is no longer involved in Israeli settlement projects and that it has no plans for future settlement activities. Africa Israel subsequently denied that this was a political decision. However, in the last few…

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