Britain desperate to insulate Zionists from examination

How far will Western states go to protect the Zionist state from legal prosecution? Israel has postponed all strategic dialogue with Britain in protest at a law which allows UK courts to prosecute visiting Israeli officials for alleged war crimes. Strategic dialogue between the two countries takes place annually and focuses on defence and security…

Israel firsters rejoice in US at taming of Obama

Well, the Zionist lobby is pleased: One prominent pro-Israel lobbying group in Washington is already praising the GOP takeover of the House of Representatives as a net benefit for Israel. “While Democrats are likely to keep control of the U.S. Senate, Republicans will take over the U.S. House of Representatives following Tuesday’s elections. This is…

Hamas is flailing on all fronts

Haidar Eid is a writer and activist based in Gaza. I met him there last year and his determination and passion was striking. He’s one of the key leaders behind the BDS movement. His latest piece damns Hamas for failing, in his view, to prepare for a democratic future in Palestine: Despite its somewhat fiery…

Being gay in Israel (with two Jews)

You certainly wouldn’t be seeing this on mainstream TV in most of the Middle East (but then again, if Israeli and Palestinian women wanted to appear, the racism towards the Arab would be massive): In identical net costumes and with matching long, blonde tresses, a television presenter and a professional dancer will tonight glide on…

Why there cannot be a Zionist loyalty oath

The following statement was released on 31 October by the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network: On October 10, 2010, the Israeli government proposed a bill obligating non-Jewish naturalized citizens to swear loyalty to a “Jewish and democratic state.” The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) deplores this attempt to demand recognition of Israel as a Jewish state…

When Israelis call their country “apartheid”, we’re in trouble

Zvi Bar’el in Haaretz: Israel is quickly defining the borders of the Arab autonomy and through apartheid legislation it is granting the Arab minority a legal standing of enclaves with lesser rights; of a cultural-ethnic region which, because it is being expelled from the broader who, can also demand international recognition for its unique standing.

Balance isn’t what we’re seeking here

Following my article on Israel/Palestine in the Sydney Morning Herald this week and the response the day after, today’s paper has the following comment by the letter’s editor: Arguments about Israel and Palestine often seem to go on in parallel tunnels with no connecting passages, and that was neatly illustrated by the response to Thursday’s…

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