Nothing pretty about Zionist colonists

This is what Israel has created, pure ugliness, racism and hatred. Courtesy of the Israeli tax-payer and allowed to fester for decades. Try undoing this: The Settlement movement warned Tuesday of a harsh reaction and painful “price tag” style retaliation if authorities proceed in the plan to seal a synagogue which was illegally built in…

McGeough shows how few MSM reporters tell the truth

A masterful speech by Sydney Morning Herald journalist Paul McGeough at last weekend’s Festival of Dangerous Ideas in Sydney. He covers the non-existent Middle East “peace process”, Zionist paranoid and bullying, media coverage and the colonial project known as Israel. Such honesty is rare in the MSM. Savour it: Since 1948, a constant in Israeli-Palestinian…

Another day of Jews abusing Arabs under their control

At what point will Zionist humiliation of Palestinians actually register as integral to the state of Israel? A grainy video of a male Israeli soldier bellydancing around a bound and blindfolded female prisoner which went viral overnight, yesterday provoked a furious response from the Palestinians.

Israel is slowly but surely building an army of extremist Jews

There is growing evidence of the disastrous effects of Christian fundamentalism on the US army; “We are doing God’s work by bombing all Muslims”. In Israel the problem is more severe, with an ever-increasing collection of settlers and Jewish extremists entering the ranks of the IDF: Profound changes have been occurring in the officer ranks…

Dershowitz in Sydney calls for quick little bombing run of Iran

Last night in Sydney – and what an event to miss! – Sydney Morning Herald political editor Peter Hartcher interviewed Alan Dershowitz. Hartcher is a perfect person, being a close friend of the lobby (along with receiving free trips to Israel). Sounds like there were too many “highlights” to mention but this stands out: Dershowitz…

How the Ubud Writers Festival bridges the cultural divide

This year’s Ubud Writers and Readers Festival in Bali, Indonesia begins this Wednesday – I’m currently in Bali flossing my vocal chords – and Indonesian writers and poets will feature prominently. The reaction to my work in Indonesia last year was amazing, countless engagements with a mainly Muslim audience, including in Aceh, about the Middle…

The massive threat of a non-violent peace activist

Gideon Levy in Haaretz writes in customary fiery fashion (and check out the recent Independent feature on this truly remarkable and unique man) about his country’s seemingly daily descent into deeper intolerance: The photograph was recently distributed by the IDF’s propagandists: Mairead Corrigan-Maguire is seen being taken off the abducted ship Rachel Corrie at Ashdod…

Meeting Alan Dershowitz in Sydney

Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz is currently in Sydney for the Festival of Dangerous Ideas and last night debated, in front of 2000 people at the Sydney Opera House, lawyer Geoffrey Robertson on The Sins of the Father; Should the Pope be Held to Account? over the massive number of child sex abuse cases. Robertson…

What Gaza is suffering far too often

Here’s reporter Rami Almeghari writing from Gaza about the largely ignored Israeli bombing campaign that terrorises the tiny strip on a regular basis: Late on Monday night, 27 September, an Israeli drone spotted and killed three Palestinians near the Gaza-Israel boundary near the central Gaza Strip refugee camp of al-Bureij. This was just one of…

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