America says; democracy in the Mid-East is for pussies

Akiva Eldar in Haaretz on Washington’s desperate attempt to continue to maintain “democratic” Israel in the Middle East and US-backed dictatorships in the rear: Despite the fact that they occurred almost simultaneously, any connection between the withdrawal of American combat troops from Iraq and Washington’s invitation of the leaders of Jordan and Egypt to a…

Peter Beinart in Sydney

Saw Peter Beinart tonight in Sydney. Talking about US power, or lack thereof. He’s articulate, bright and knows his subject. And yet Beinart seems oddly detached from the human beings affected by US foreign policy. Victims of Washington are absent in his analysis. And Beinart didn’t mention Israel. I couldn’t ask my question about his…

The “enlightened” occupation

The bravery of people speaking out against Israel’s corrupted soul: It was a single word scrawled on a wall at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem that unlocked something deep inside Inbar Michelzon, two years after she had completed compulsory military service in the Israeli Defence Force. The word was “occupation”. “I really felt like someone…

It’s illegal to even protest illegal Jewish colonies

The Magnes Zionist writes about yet another Israeli jailing of a “Palestinian Gandhi“. Protesting the occupation in the West Bank is illegal in the wonderful democracy known as the Jewish state: So what were the charges against Abdallah Abu Rahmah, the internationally-known organizer of the Bil’in protest, that stuck? Exonerated of stone-throwing and weapons possession…

Jews who see war through the eyes of Tel Aviv

Tony Karon @ Tom Dispatch attempts to stop the Zionist push for military action against Iran. The fact that the same frauds who pushed us into war against Iraq are now trying similar tactics against Tehran – “Iran is a grave threat etc” – should worry us all.

BDS goes more and more mainstream

While the upcoming “talks” between Israel and the Palestinians are already destined for failure, the Boston Globe reports on a far more positive development that alleges the complete failure of American-led “peace” efforts: In May, rock legend Elvis Costello canceled his gig in Israel. Then, in June, a group of unionized dock workers in San…

Don’t question uncritical love for Israel, says Aussie Zionist paper

A curious editorial in the Australian Jewish News that attempts to place boundaries on acceptable Zionist discussion in Australia. Any action that dares put pressure on Israel are clearly verging on anti-Semitism and don’t give the Jewish state the necessary warm hug. Because unquestioning love from the Diaspora has really worked so well. How’s that…

Nerdy Zionists rule ok!

Wonderful piece of reportage by Max Blumenthal and Joseph Dana from a Tel Aviv meeting of Zionist right-wing group Im Tirtzu. The growing numbers of Jews demanding loyalty to a hardline, racist, unthinking brand of Zionism is both worrying and amusing.

Obama’s “peace talks” will lead to disaster

How desperate is the Obama administration for an historic handshake on the White House lawn between Israel, the Palestinians and the Americans to seal a “two-state solution”? This is a sham designed to ignore the multiple elephants in the room. It will be opposed by many, including me, until the right of return, shared Jerusalem,…

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