Taking the measure of the heat in Gaza

My following book review appeared in Saturday’s Melbourne Age: Gaza: Morality, Law and Politics Edited by Raimond Gaita University of Western Australia Publishing, $29.95 Raimond Gaita’s collection tries to analyse a contentious conflict, writes Antony Loewenstein. MONTHS after the release of the UN-backed Goldstone report that found alleged war crimes by both Israel and Hamas…

Will non-racist Jews please stand up?

What will it take for the “leaders” of the American Zionist lobby to be called on their casual racism towards Arabs, Palestinians and Muslims? The ADL’s Abe Foxman, who rejects the Islamic centre in the heart of New York, is the face of Zionist bigotry.

Israelis who reject their government’s plans

Sometimes, an event happens that provides a wonderful counter-point to the grinding Zionist project. Individuals or groups who refuse to be co-opted to support occupation and colonisation. Israeli blog Promised Blog reports on an advertisement that appeared in Friday’s Haaretz: WE DO NOT OBEY. Women in the footsteps of Ilana Hammerman: not obeying illegal and…

Giant Tony Judt passes

Leading intellectual Tony Judt just died. A monumental loss for the world, for provokers everywhere, for anybody who believes that challenging accepted “truths” is both necessary and invaluable to improve our democracy. Mondoweiss: We’ve heard that Tony Judt died today, the historian and writer/speaker, after a long illness, ALS. A giant, is all I can…

Jews love to accuse people of anti-Semitism (makes them feel good)

Too many Jews are too quick to accuse people of anti-Semitism for simply discussing Israel, occupation or Jewish power. Oliver Stone was recently accused by the Zionist lobby of anti-Semitism for talking about the lobby and Israel’s awful effect on US foreign policy. It wasn’t anti-Semitism but the usual suspects started bleating. Crying wolf is…

Another US Jew wondering why her people occupy Arabs

Emily Henochowicz, the American Jew who lost her eye from a Israeli tear gas canister in May, tells her story for the first time in a TV broadcast on Democracy Now! These stories are moving because they represent the growing numbers of American Jews questioning the Zionist state.

War with Iran may have to wait a few more minutes

Leading American Zionist and hawk Jeffrey Goldberg is upset in his meeting with Barack Obama that the US President wasn’t more threatening towards Iran. Diplomacy will supposedly fail, we’re told, despite the fact that Washington has its foot on Tehran’s face.

ElectionWire interview on Australian election

Election Wire is an online youth portal covering the Australian election campaign (here’s their recent report about detention centres). Journalist Austin G. Mackell yesterday interviewed me about the issues in the country, including foreign affairs, the Greens, the web filter, Wikileaks and the Middle East:

Crocodile tears for Israel

A sign of the times. Online newsletter Bitterlemons features a series on “Israeli’s growing international isolation“. A combination of fear and arrogance permeates the collection, as Zionists either realise that Israel is on a path towards greater panic or more arrogance. Then there is Ghada Karmi, leading Palestinian writer: Can Israel survive its recent battering…

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