Washington fails in the Middle East and people notice

The Arab world realises that Barack Obama is George W. Bush with a better speech-writer: A new poll of Arab public opinion finds a significant drop in Arab world views of President Obama from a year ago. The 2010 Arab Public Opinion poll will be released Thursday at the Brookings Institution by Shibley Telhami, of…

The how and why a rabbi backs BDS

The recent decision by Olympia co-operative in the US to boycott Israeli goods was an American first. Progressive Rabbi Lyn Gottlieb backs the decision: Boycott is a time honored method which was the catalyst that ended legal segregation in the United States. Boycott is the primary tool of those engaged in nonviolent resistance to systematic…

More on the Wikileaks/Israel/Afghanistan connection

Mondoweiss follows up my investigations on the Israel-connection in the Wikileaks dump (and curiously, searching for “Israeli” brings some different results to “Israel“): I’m poking around the Afghan war diaries from Wikileaks (inspired by Antony Loewenstein) and it looks like one element of our nationbuilding effort in Afghanistan is working: the people there have demonstrated…

Better Place’s electric cars will be haunted by Palestine

I’ve written extensively about the Israeli electric car company Better Place and its highly questionable connections to working for the occupation in the West Bank. A letter in today’s Sydney Morning Herald denies political favours for the firm (the NSW Premier’s husband is a senior member of the company): Your story ”Keneally rivals shut out…

Radio New Zealand Media Watch interview on Middle East reporting

The issue of media bias in Middle East reporting is something that obsesses the Zionist lobby. Hearing any Palestinians is a problem. This edition of Radio New Zealand’s Media Watch, featuring my interview on the subject, examines the ways in which this area is hotly debated and why more reporters should be based in the…

Please give Israeli murderers equal time in our media

Lesson number one for journalists: talking about Israeli “massacres” will always be “biased” even if Israel commits “massacres”: Ofcom has ruled that a current affairs TV show discussing the ill-fated Gaza flotilla, which was presented by Cherie Blair’s sister Lauren Booth, has broken broadcasting code rules on impartiality. Booth presents a regular programme on Press…

Jews who love the burka

Extreme religious behaviour isn’t just Islamic: At the insistence of the husbands of some burka-wearing women, a leading rabbinical authority is to issue an edict declaring burka wearing a sexual fetish that is as promiscuous as wearing too little. Since then, the habit has spread to five other Israeli towns causing alarm among ultra-orthodox religious…

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