BDS backers are basically terrorists in disguise (in hasbara minds)

This is almost funny. Palestinian activists and writers, such as Ali Abunimah and Diana Buttu, backing BDS are, according to this Zionist propaganda video, “anti-Israel” because they don’t accept the two-state solution, a pipe-dream that is both impractical and immoral. Seriously, this is what Zionism is left with; smearing Palestinians who demand full rights instead…

A few easy steps to buy products from West Bank colonies

This is the face of modern Zionism. A Rabbi looking to help those poor souls in Israel. Help! One of Brooklyn Heights’s most-influential Jewish leaders fought back against an anti-Israel rally last Friday by doing what influential rabbis do in such situations: he bought cosmetics. Rabbi Aaron Raskin of Congregation B’nai Avraham picked up some…

The futility and vindictiveness of destroying Bedouin homes

Heartbreaking and enraging. Footage this week of Israel demolishing the homes of a Bedouin village in the Negev desert. 300 people are now homeless: The Bedouin of the Negev (Naqab in Arabic) are full Israeli… citizens, but some 76,000 of them live in “unrecognized villages” that… receive virtually no government services including… water, electricity, and sanitation.

The Greens may like the Palestinians just a little too much

The Australian Zionist lobby AIJAC are worried that the Greens, likely to poll very well in the upcoming election, aren’t sufficiently pro-Israel. Opposing the West Bank settlements is supposedly a bridge too far for Zionists who talk about a “two-state solution” but in reality believe in ongoing colonisation.

Palestinian art is “propaganda”

It’s supposedly offensive to support Palestine. Makes you a backer of Hamas, supposedly: Outrage over “propaganda” at a recent Chapel off Chapel art show has prompted an apology from Stonnington Council. But the show’s organisers are defiant, saying they were entitled to express “free speech” in the printed flyers. The Painting Blue Skies Over Gaza…

Rabid Jew just a product of the Zionist system

Of course this man isn’t a terrorist, merely a misguided Jewish man. If he was Muslim, of course… Police released the head rabbi of a prominent yeshiva yesterday hours after arresting him for encouraging to kill non-Jews. Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, head of the Od Yosef Hai Yeshiva and author of “The King’s Torah,” was arrested…

How BDS becomes normalised

From the Guardian money blog: Every week a Guardian Money reader submits a question, and it’s up to you to help him or her out – a selection of the best answers will appear in next Saturday’s paper. This week’s question: A friend has been giving me a hard time after seeing Israeli fruit in…

Britain realises that Israel isn’t perfect and Zionists are shocked

The kind of debate over Palestine that seems almost impossible here in the US or Australia. Unthinking Zionism helps nobody but unthinking Zionists: David Cameron‘s forthright description of Gaza as a “prison camp” – and its implied criticism of Israel – has struck a chord with many Conservatives but infuriated some commentators. During a state…

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