Washington and Tel Aviv can’t speak honestly to each other

The Independent’s Patrick Cockburn explains that the power of Israel is declining but Washington is seemingly powerless to control its wild friend: Israel itself is getting politically and militarily weaker. The high point of Israel’s influence in the Middle East was after the peace agreement with Egypt in 1979 which freed it to invade Lebanon…

Meg Ryan and Dustin Hoffman taking a stand for Palestine?

If true, a rather remarkable political act by two very mainstream actors (and one Jew): Hollywood actors Meg Ryan and Dustin Hoffman backed out of attending this year’s annual Jerusalem Film Festival, which is set to kick off this coming Thursday, following the international outcry over Israel’s attack on a Turkish-led flotilla that attempted to…

Hamas is evil, Hamas is evil, Hamas is evil (repeat after me)

Republican hack, pollster and Zionist Frank Luntz has some advice for his Israeli friends: If Israeli leaders would carry a copy of the Hamas charter with them, I’d say to you that is game set and match… If every American were to learn what was in the Hamas charter, Israel would never have to worry…

BDS brings out the worst in Israel

As we learn more every day about the strength of the BDS movement and the companies that should be targeted – ever considered the role of IKEA in the occupied territories? – feel the fear in the Zionist community: The decision last week by the Methodist Church of Britain to launch a boycott against goods…

America shows its card and Israel likes the deck

The supposedly anticipated meeting between Barack Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu was a nice piece of theatre. Everybody said nice things about the other and the prospect of peace was on the cards. As if. What we’re left with in the liberal Zionist community in the US are campaigns like this:

New York Times discovers how colonies are formed

Welcome, New York Times, to the reality of US groups funding illegal settlements in the West Bank. Better late than never: Twice a year, American evangelicals show up at a winery in this Jewish settlement in the hills of ancient Samaria to play a direct role in biblical prophecy, picking grapes and pruning vines. Believing…

Documentary on Sydney Finkelstein premiere

Independent Australian Jewish Voices and Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine recently organised the Australian premiere of American Radical, on the life and times of Jewish dissenter Norman Finkelstein. Australian writer and journalist Reuben Brand made a short documentary of the evening’s proceedings:

Nothing to see here, Gaza blockade continues

Israel’s supposed easing of the siege on Gaza is simply an attempt to get Washington off its back. The Strip remains essentially sealed. Palestinian legislative council member Dr Mustafa Barghouti is right: I think the blockade is illegal, it’s against international law, it’s an act of collective punishment, and it should be removed immediately and…

What the lessons of the Holocaust should teach us

We reported last week about the spraying of graffiti about Palestine in Warsaw. Now, some more details: A group of Israeli left-wing activists and pro-Palestinian demonstrators last week sprayed graffiti on remnants of the Warsaw Ghetto, calling for all ghettos to be liberated, including Gaza. One of the activists was conscientious objector Yonatan Shapira, an…

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