Palestinian “leader” begs Zionists to be nice

The delusion of the colonised. Please sir – the ones who have spent their entire lives demonising, killing and occupying us – treat my people well. God help the Palestinians under Mahmoud Abbas: The Palestinians have long feared the Jewish lobby in Washington. Now, they are embracing it. During a swing through the U.S. capital…

Israeli hack talks of Iranian armageddon

What’s the role of the corporate media? To provide a space for Zionist propagandists to spread lies about the “threats” in the region: In an interview in his office Tuesday, Israel’s ambassador to the United States warned that Iran might unleash a wave of terrorist violence in the Middle East in retaliation for the tough…

The rise and rise and rise of BDS

The following statement has been released: The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), established in April 2004 by a small group of Palestinian academics and intellectuals and widely supported by leading civil society associations, unions and networks,[1] has not witnessed a sustained surge in cultural boycott of Israel as in…

Zionist lobby in Australia denies there is Zionist lobby

Zionist lobby? What lobby? Jewish groups have questioned claims by a former Australian ambassador to Israel that Julia Gillard was silent on the “excesses” of Israel. And the former editor of The Age, Michael Gawenda, yesterday labelled as “bizarre” a report in the Fairfax newspaper and its sister paper, The Sydney Morning Herald, that linked…

There is a Zionist lobby in Australia and let’s look inside some more

Following the story in yesterday’s Fairfax media about Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her love for Israel and its cuddly lobby here in Australia, the following letters appear in the Age today: Peace throughout the Middle East cannot be achieved until Western nations such Australia show we are as concerned about justice for Palestinians as…

Is there a connection between Dubai and Gilad Shalit?

Remember Israel’s hit on a Hamas operative in Dubai? The story is still running though is largely ignored by the mainstream press these days. Newsweek publishes an intriguing piece that adds more spice to the yarn: European investigators believe that a man arrested by Polish authorities earlier this month may be a key fixer in…

Walid Shoebat should not be heard in Pakistan

This is weird. Pakistan is reportedly planning to massively increase its online censorship regime. Just another US-backed dictatorship wanting to shut down debate. Not much new here except one site has supposedly already been blocked, of Mr Walid Shoebat, former Palestinian militant and now rabid Zionist and anti-Islam activist. Is Pakistan seriously banning this man…

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