Direct call for whistle-blowers to reveal what state shamefully denies

My following article appears in today’s Guardian: Revelations of British government intrusion of legitimate media reporting of… American-led, global surveillance… is a call to arms for journalists everywhere. Australian attorney general Mark Dreyfus recently claimed that Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden… weren’t whistle-blowers… because they were “politically motivated”, and neither man exposed government wrong-doing (in fact, both did in…

Centre for Public Christianity discusses For God’s Sake

The new book… For God’s Sake… is a discussion between an Atheist, a Jew, a Christian and a Muslim about the big questions of life. CPX invited Jane Caro, Antony Loewenstein and Simon Smart to discuss their reasons for writing the book and to debate some of the questions that are raised in it.

Open House radio interview over For God’s Sake

Talking at length about religion or lack of religion is a rare thing in the mainstream media. My recent book, For God’s Sake, is an attempt to discuss the role of faith, politics, Palestine, Jesus, Mohammed et al in a respectful though never dull way. Yesterday there was a radio interview on Open House with…

Zionist rabbi tackles “For God’s Sake” (and gets confused)

My recent book For God’s Sake is reviewed by Rabbi John Levi, ironically the former rabbi at my family synagogue in Melbourne where I grew up. Suffice to say, we have no contact today, and haven’t for years, and he’s one of the classic Zionist Jews who places tribal loyalty above commitment to human rights…

Israel’s less than silent cleansing of Bedouins

Forget all the media babble about a “peace process” in the Middle East. It’s a distraction from the main game. US journalist Ben Ehrenreich, writer of the wonderful recent New York Times magazine cover story on non-violent Palestinian resistance in the West Bank, reports for the Los Angeles Review of Books: It would be a…

Imagining a different Israel, one less abuse at a time

A stunning piece by Gideon Levy in Haaretz that imagines a Jewish state that completely challenges its history and institutional racism: In my dream I see Benjamin Netanyahu giving the speech of his life, which is the speech of our lives: thanking Secretary of State John Kerry for his efforts and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas…

What is the EU now saying about illegal Zionist colonies

It’s a small step, far too little, but a significant symbolic move. Noam Sheizaf explains in +972 magazine: The European Union’s new guidelines regarding the settlements were… the talk of the day in Israel yesterday… (Tuesday), and they are still the leading story in all the morning papers. The feeling is that for the first time, an…

Let’s be clear, Britain sells weapons to thugs globally

A belief in human rights? Preaching to others about improving accountability? It’s all empty rhetoric by most/all Western governments, including Britain. Evidence for the prosecution (via Independent): The Government has issued more than 3,000 export licences for military and intelligence equipment worth a total of …£12.3bn to countries which…  are on its own official list…

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