Rolling Stone covers BDS against Israel

A small but important step towards mainstream coverage of an issue, Israel’s colonisation and apartheid, that is only getting worse. Rolling Stone reports: Pink Floyd‘s Roger Waters says a boycott of Israel, similar to the one implemented against South Africa during apartheid, is the “way to go.” He accuses the Israeli government of running a…

Obama apparently believes Israel is a neurotic child needing cuddles

The Atlantic writer Jeffrey Goldberg tells Haaretz as Barack Obama touches down in Israel: President Obama listened carefully to the things President Clinton told him. I believe he now understands that the Israelis are a damaged, lonely and neurotic people who face genuine threats to their existence, so they need love badly. Obama won’t embrace…

Breaking news; Israel’s new government is fundamentally pro-colonies

Israeli peace group Gush Shalom issues the following statement: March 18, 2013 – Today was established in Israel an extremist right-wing government in which settlers and their allies hold all the key positions: their Minister of Housing will construct settlement housing; their Minister of Industry will divert industries to the settlements; their Chairman of the…

Wait, why is Obama really going to Israel again?

Barack Obama is soon to land in Israel and only a fool believes the US President is doing anything other than appeasing the Zionist lobby, occupation backers, the arms industry and other cretins and fools. Gideon Levy in Haaretz: Barack Obama has decided to punish the Israelis: He is talking to them as if they…

Why Zionist lobby bullying strengthens occupation

Larry Derfner, Haaretz, 14 March: Branding harsh critics of Israeli policy as anti-Semites helps the occupation thrive, and what’s good for the occupation is good for Israel, certainly for Netanyahu’s Israel, and what’s good for Netanyahu’s Israel is good for the Jewish establishment of Britain, the United States and several other countries. It’s a shame:…

That rare occasion when Australian politicians speak truths over Palestine

There were two examples in yesterday’s New South Wales parliament. Firstly,… Labor Councillor Shaoquett Moselmane dared talk about the reality of Israeli crimes in Gaza and a host of other usually unutterable realities in polite company. There were then attempts to shut him down by his own party and the rapacious Zionist lobby. The usual suspects…

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