Israel’s unashamed racist future; welcome to Naftali Bennett

Ali Abunimah explains why this party, Jewish Home, is the best manifestation of where Israel is proudly headed: The Bennett phenomenon is simply more evidence that there are no internal forces within Zionism that can stop this descent to hell. Bennett’s rise is merely a reminder that efforts to isolate this pariah regime through boycott,…

No, Kevin Rudd, boycotts against Israeli institutions aren’t anti-Semitic

Late last year Rupert Murdoch’s Australian newsletter ran a campaign against the head of Sydney University’s Centre of Peace and Conflict Studies, Jake Lynch, for bravely rejecting institutional links with occupation-supporting Israeli universities. Today former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd appears in the same paper with quotes implying that boycotts are anti-Semitic and concerned people should…

Obama dislikes Netanyahu and sees Israel’s growing isolation?

According to American Zionist journalist Jeffrey Goldberg, a man close to the White House, Barack Obama is pissed with Israel and his anger is only growing. Time will tell but we’re a long way from Washington sanctioning the Jewish state for its daily violations of international law: Shortly after the… United Nations General Assembly… voted in late…

What the Israel lobby wants the Israel lobby gets

Breaking news… 🙂 Top-ranking government officials in Jerusalem confirmed Tuesday that Israel would exercise its longstanding, constitutionally granted veto power over American policy if U.S. lawmakers confirmed retired congressman Chuck Hagel as the United States’ next Secretary of Defense. “In light of Mr. Hagel’s worrying remarks on Israeli-Palestinian relations and questionable classification of Israeli interests as…

Only Arab-Jewish parties worth voting for at upcoming Israeli election

Interesting piece by Noam Sheizaf about the reality of Israel’s political racism (via +972): A couple of weeks ago, the Knesset’s Central Elections Committee forbade media outlets from referring to Hadash, Balad and Ra’am-Ta’al as “Arab parties” in their polling results, and called on outlets to refer to each party individually. Nobody would think to…

Jews For Palestinian Right of Return

I signed the following statement, alongside many inspiring Jews worldwide, because the Palestinian right of return and ongoing displacement of Palestinians is a key, unresolved issue in the Middle East. To learn more see this website: “For Palestinians, the right to return home and the right to live in dignity and equality in their own…

Compassion for Israelis in 2013?

Powerful piece by seminal Israeli historian Ilan Pappe in Electronic Intifada: I have just spent the last few days of 2012 in the city of… Haifa. Accidentally, I met a few of my acquaintances who in the past deemed me at best as deluded and at worst as a traitor. They seemed more embarrassed today —…

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