How to move from two-state paradigm to one-state democracy

The following (first) review of my new book, After Zionism, has just been published in the Palestine News Network: Journalists Antony Loewenstein and Ahmed Moore have succeeded in putting together an impressive collection… of essays in their new book After Zionism. The essays all focus on the shift that is now taking place in many people’s…

A one-state solution is only way forward for Israel and Palestine

My following article appears today in The Conversation: How should the world react when a supposedly democratic state can’t acknowledge a 40-year-old occupation? When US Presidential candidate Mitt Romney… declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel… during a visit this weekend, he was playing into this mass delusion, and mouthing the official position of the American Zionist lobby.…

One-state solution is “selective cultural genocide”

Writes a “left-winger” in the Jewish Forward newspaper: There’s the one-state policy itself. Café-radicals who support this view need to look it squarely in the eye and call it what it is: selective cultural genocide. There is no way that a binational state will be a safe haven for the Jewish people or that it…

Finally, maybe, siege on Gaza coming to an end?

Ma’an reports: Egypt will follow a new policy on the Rafah crossing between it and the Gaza Strip, and the people of Gaza will experience changes in travel procedures and times, says prime minister of the Hamas-run government in the Gaza Strip Ismail Haniyeh. Speaking to the Gaza-based Hamas-affiliated Palestine newspaper following a meeting with…

Guess what, two-state solution is dead and that’s a good thing

The reality on the ground (via the Guardian): The number of Jewish settlers in the West Bank grew by more than 15,000 in the past year to reach a total that exceeds 350,000 for the first time and has almost doubled in the past 12 years. Figures from… Israel‘s population registry show a 4.5% increase in…

Israeli racism and inequality in its DNA

My following article appears in Lebanon’s Al Akhbar: “Moshe was simply not willing for the State of Israel to run him over anymore.” Moshe Silman, a son of Holocaust survivors, was an Israeli man who died last week after suffering second and third-degree burns on 94 percent of his body. In an Israeli first, a…

The Wire radio on illegal Israeli colonies

I was interviewed yesterday by the daily current affairs show, The Wire, talking about Israel’s recently released Levy report on settlements. Illegality? What illegality? There’s some classic delusional but typical Zionist lobbying in the piece, by Vic Alhadeff, saying the report is in fact good for peace. Seriously, does the Israel lobby receive its daily…

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