When Jews fear intermarriage

My essay in global broadcaster TRT World: The leaked words of Israeli Education Minister Rafi Peretz sounded shocking. The rate of intermarriage amongst US Jews was “like a second Holocaust”, he claimed. The Jewish people had “lost six million people” in the last 70 years due to intermarriage, Peretz said. Six million Jews were murdered during the…

Palestinian prisoner faces indefinite detention in Israeli prison

The picture that emerges from many pages of internal World Vision documents, rarely heard details of the court case, and a correspondence with Halabi himself, is more than just that of an innocent Palestinian being tortured, mistreated and pressured to capitulate to Israeli demands; it also raises uncomfortable questions for many in the global and Israeli media who willingly accept Israeli government claims about Palestinians — even when there is no supporting evidence.

A day in the life of the Jordan Valley

During my recent reporting to the Jordan Valley in the occupied West Bank, I took many photos/videos to document the grim reality for Palestinian shepherds dealing with the Israeli army and aggressive settlers. The US magazine Mondoweiss has published my photo essay about those experiences.

When Arab and Muslim states get intimate with Israel

Why are growing numbers of Arab and Muslim states getting cosy with Israel? I was interviewed about this for global broadcaster TRT World: Israel’s new policies indicate that it’s trying to isolate the Palestinians by gaining favour with nations traditionally opposed to its policies. But Antony Loewenstein, a Jerusalem-based independent journalist, author and filmmaker, argues…

A day in the life of the occupied Jordan Valley

My investigation in global broadcaster TRT World: The Palestinian shepherds in the Auja region of the Jordan Valley were scared. Living under Israeli occupation and harassed daily by both the Israeli army and Jewish settlers, they wanted to herd their sheep across the green, rolling hills. On the day I recently visited, the Palestinians were…

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