The growth of Israeli and far-right global ties

In the last years (and in fact for many decades), the Israeli government has become increasingly close with the global far-right. Why? They often share “values”, dislike/hate Muslims, nations want Israeli defence equipment and the Jewish state needs international support for its never-ending occupation of Palestine. I wrote about this extensively in 2017 and I’ve…

Australian aid to Palestine under attack

My investigation in Australian outlet Crikey: Australian aid to Palestine has fallen greatly under the Coalition government, partly due to successive Liberal prime ministers believing false allegations of mismanagement and illegality by Palestinians. The result for Palestinians living under occupation in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza has been devastating and comes on top…

TRT World interview on Netanyahu, corruption and Palestinian rights

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been indicted on corruption charges amidst a ferocious Israeli election campaign. My interview on global broadcaster TRT World discusses this development and the wider, arguably far more important questions, around Palestinian rights and the never-ending occupation of Palestinian lands:

Israeli leader Netanyahu isn't the main problem

My article in US outlet Forward: On Wednesday, it was reported that in the midst of a tense election cycle, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu pushed the right-wing Jewish Home Party to join with the Jewish Power Party, which is populated by followers of the racist, banned leader Meir Kahane. So important was this merger…

The one word missing from the Israeli election: occupation

My report and analysis for global broadcaster TRT World on the upcoming Israeli election: Jerusalem—During a recent conference organised by Women in Green, a Zionist, pro-settler group dedicated to applying Israeli sovereignty across the entire, occupied West Bank, Likud politician and Minister of Aliyah and Integration, Yoav Galant, explained what his country had to achieve.…

Israel selling decades of occupation knowledge to any bidder

My first essay for The New York Review of Books: Speaking recently to an audience in Tel Aviv via satellite from Moscow soon after the murder… of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden alleged that Saudi Arabia had used… Israeli-made spyware to track Khashoggi’s movements before his…

Speech at Palestine Addressing the World conference in Istanbul, Turkey

Last weekend I was invited to speak at a big Palestine conference in Istanbul, Turkey. Palestine Addressing the World brought speakers from over 60 countries across the world – one of the keynote speakers was going to be Saudi journalist… Jamal Khashoggi, murdered by the Saudi government in Istanbul – and nearly 1000 participants. It was…

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