Calling all McCarthyists; Zionism needs you now

Debate over Israel/Palestine is shifting. Can you imagine even five years ago a Palestinian-American such as Ahmed Moor (co-editor with me on a book coming out in 2012 called After Zionism) talking constructively to a Jewish Rabbi about the one-state solution? Meanwhile, in mad Zionist land, where another Holocaust is always around the corner, the…

How Fox News serves us daily a whole heap of goodness

2011 has been a Fox News year with a Muslim American President, socialism in the class room, terrorists in the White House and: Elie Wiesel, Mr Murdoch, is a Holocaust survivor but he has used his fame to care about all kinds of causes (including, according to Norman Finkelstein, exploiting groups and firms involved in…

When Zionist nationalists jump into bed with the far Right

This is an area covered throughout the recently released book, On Utoya, and my contribution covers how the Norway killer Anders Breivik rather loved Israel in his manifesto. This piece in American Jewish newspaper Forward highlights this disturbingly growing alliance between hardline Zionism and neo-Nazis (yes, you read that right): Economic upheaval and strife in…

How French Jews are embracing an anti-Muslim, French bigot named Marine Le Pen

Tablet reports on how blind love for Zionism and hatred of Islam has become a toxic mix: Since its inception in the 1970s, the Front National has wrapped itself in the repellent rags of traditional French anti-Semitism. The series of outrageous… dérapages, or verbal slips, of the movement’s founder and longtime leader Jean-Marie Le Pen—Marine’s father—are…

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