Censored Al-Jazeera film on Israel lobby reveals important truths

My following essay appears in the Israel/Palestine news outlet +972 magazine:…  There’s a moment near the end of the four-part, Al Jazeera documentary on the U.S. Israel lobby —… censored by its own network due to pressure from the U.S. government and incensed U.S.-based, pro-Israel lobbyists — where the show’s undercover reporter, “Tony,” films a key…

The ingredients of timely investigative journalism

Richard Keeble is one of Britain’s leading journalism academics and he’s taught at the University of Lincoln for many years. Author of seminal books on reporting, his latest, just released work is co-edited with John Mair and it’s called, “Investigative Journalism Today: Speaking Truth to Power“. It features a range of writers exploring the importance…

Book endorsement for new work by Palestinian writer Dr Olfat Mahmoud

I was recently asked to endorse the new book by Palestinian writer… Dr Olfat Mahmoud whose work is called Tears for Tarshiha. Published by Wild Dingo Press, here’s the book’s blurb: Olfat Mahmoud, a stateless refugee, is a descendant of the ”˜forgotten Palestinians’, forced from their homes by the Israeli military in 1948. A former nurse,…

The Wire interview on Gaza death toll and US role in the Middle East

I was interviewed by The Wire news radio program yesterday: The already fragile stability in the Middle East has been further affected in recent weeks, with the US Embassy move to Jerusalem and President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal. Overnight 55 Palestinian protesters were killed by Israeli forces in Gaza, coinciding with…

Pink Floyd's Roger Waters speaks on Palestine and the Middle East

Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters recently toured around Australia. One night in Melbourne he took the time to speak at a public event, in conversation with Palestinian writer Randa Abdel-Fattah and me, about politics, the media, Palestine and the Middle East. He appeared before a packed house at the Athanaeum Theatre and the video has just…

Growing corruption scandal around Netanyahu and weird connection with James Packer

My story in today’s Sydney Morning Herald/Melbourne Age: Israel’s Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is in trouble, and it partly stems from his close relationship with Australia’s most recognisable billionaire, James Packer. The country’s second longest-serving Prime Minister is facing potential charges of fraud, bribery and breach of trust after an extensive investigation by Israeli police.…

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