Memo to New York Times; you have no idea about the Middle East

Angry Arab: While watching the scenes in Egypt today [protestors breaking into the Israeli embassy in Cairo], [New York Times columnist] Thomas Friedman, should have tweeted this to himself: I am so clueless. … I have no idea what is going on in the Middle East. … I was sitting in my suite at the Marriott and…

Hate Muslims and multiculturalism; welcome to the Zionist party

The anniversary of 9/11 is a good time to reflect on one of the growing alliances in modern times; the far-right in Europe and beyond and hardline Zionism. Its most extreme form was expressed by the Norway killer Anders Breivik. He “loved” Israel because the Zionist state is constantly fighting, killing and demeaning Arabs and…

When “liberal Zionists” slam BDS, you know moral compass is lost

What a sad sight. After months and months of the Australian Murdoch press, major political parties and the Zionist establishment shamefully suggesting that activists who back BDS against Israel are akin to Nazis, a supposedly “liberal Zionist” group, The Australian Jewish Democratic Society (AJDS), releases a statement today and makes exactly the same comparison. If…

EU only knows how to release PR when Jewish fanatics act up

Yet another attack by Jewish colonists on a Palestinian mosque and the EU expresses concern. Omar Barghouti explains the constant weakness of this position (with a message under the headline “EU’s Ashton condemns burning synagogue in France as hurting inter-faith trust”): Well, not quite what Ashton said or what happened. There was no synagogue burnt…

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