You know that things are getting pretty desperate with the GOP presidential hopefuls when the right starts spinning the demise of their presidential front runners as a positive development. Fred Thompson was touted as the GOP savior. Being an actor and all makes him perfectly qualified, and unlike Dubya, he’s has to read for a living, so the GOP is definitely upgrading. Sadly, his campaign has run aground before it even got started.
Leave it to the flat earth fraternity to continue applying lipstick to the pig.
Thompson’s down, so that’s good for him.
HUME: So you think that the little downturn in Thompson’s fortune is a good thing? Just what he needed?
And Rudy’s down, and that’s also — wouldn’t you know it — good for him!
HUME: What is happening with this? I mean, it really did seem that Giuliani had surged ahead of everybody, and then begun to fade—
LIASSON: And then came down a bit, that’s right.
HUME: —and that his campaign was beginning to sink a bit.
LIASSON: I think that, as Fred said, he is a great performing candidate.
HUME: So he hits these states, and people get fired up.
Rudi must be kicking himself for alienating the puppy lovers among the GOP.
Of course, that other dog lover, Mitt Romney, is still putting in the hard yards. Unfortunately, he recently praised Hezbollah style democracy as a model that America should follow, not to mention, endorsing what amounts to universal health care (which is anathema to the Republicans). We can probably expect the GOP, if not AIPAC, to make him to sail off the edge of the earth any day now.