The family pain

Shock! Horror! A split in the Murdoch family over Israel/Palestine?

The pro-Israel outlook of the Wall Street Journal and many News Corp. outlets could waver if one of Rupert Murdoch’s sons, James Murdoch, takes the helm of the publishing and broadcasting company, a new book suggests.The just-published diaries of a communications director for Prime Minister Blair, Alastair Campbell, indicate that James Murdoch launched into a foul-mouthed tirade that suggested that the behavior of Palestinian Arabs was justified by their poor treatment by Israelis. The outburst occurred at a private dinner with his father, his brother, Lachlan, Mr. Blair, and others at no. 10 Downing St. in January 2002. The elder ” Murdoch was at one point putting the traditional very right-wing view on Israel and the Middle East peace process and James said that he was “talking fucking nonsense.’ [Rupert] Murdoch said he didn’t see what the Palestinians’ problem was and James said that it was that they were kicked out of their fucking homes and had nowhere to fucking live,” Mr. Campbell recorded, adding that the News Corp. chairman was “very pro- Israel, very pro-Reagan.”

I look forward to the day when the Murdoch papers around the world will be told to actually remove themselves from deep inside the Zionist community (and the Israeli government.)