The Tibetan word is getting out

China continues to restrict media access to its citizens over the brutal crackdown of Tibetan protesters, but a new international poll finds massive support for the Tibetan cause:

A poll of three western and three Asian countries finds widespread criticism of Chinese policies toward Tibet. This critical view is held by large majorities in all three western countries–the United States (74%), France (75%) and Britain (63%).

iews are more varied among the Asian countries. An overwhelming 84 percent of South Koreans are critical, as is a modest majority of Indonesians (54%, with only 12% endorsing China’s position). However among Indians views are nearly evenly divided, with 37 percent siding with critics, 33 percent siding with China and 31 percent not taking a position.

These findings are from a poll conducted by, a project of research centers from around the world, managed by the Program on International Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland. Polling was conducted in France, Great Britain, India, Indonesia, South Korea and the United States, before the recent protests and violence in Tibet.

Video footage of the protests has been collated, thanks to Wikileaks.