The VEEP’S office fallout

A few interesting developments have surfaced since the story broke about the Imperial Dick Cheney.

Firstly, Bush chimed in and claimed that not only did he agree with Cheney’s assertion that the Vice President is exempt from oversight laws that he had signed, but that the same condition applies to him, also.

Democratic caucus Chairman Rep. Rahm Emanuel proposed an amendment to cut funding for Cheney’s office, seeing as the funding is to cover the Executive branch of government, of which Cheney insists he is no longer a part of.

Some bloggers were outraged that there had been so little reported about the scandal, until this Washington Post piece came out on Sunday on the subject. In fact, the Wapo had been clearly working on a major Cheney piece for months. The piece did not pull punches either. What was most surprising is that John Aschcroft comes out looking like a hero, having put up the only opposition to Cheney, as opposed to his sock puppet replacement, Alberto Gonzales.

Laura Rozen posts some interesting observations on the Washington Post Cheney story, and concluded that the story had been put on ice by the Wapo editors, until the reporters became incensed and made a big enough stink about it.

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