The YouTube threat

While Turkey is currently engaged in a debate over whether to end the ban on head scarves in universities, the courts maintain an anti-democratic streak:

For the second time in a year, a Turkish court ordered, on Tuesday September 18, to block access to over videos deemed insulting to the country’s leaders.

The decision followed a complaint by a resident in the eastern city of Sivas that the site hosted videos containing insults against Turkey’s founding father Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, President Abdullah Gul, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the army.

It’s a tumultuous time for youtube in Turkey. A wave of controversy over an ultra nationalist video, posted on Youtube, praising the assassination of Turkish Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, has made its way to the country’s most popular newspapers and”¦to the court. According to Turkish Daily News, Dink’s lawyers said that the video “incites people to commit hate crimes by abusing race and religion and by praising a murderer,” and that they are preparing to file a complaint about it.