Australian union takes a stand against illegal Zionist expansion

The news that one of Australia’s leading unions, the CFMEU, has begun a boycott of Israeli products from illegal colonies in the West Bank received a tiny item in yesterday’s Sydney Morning Herald but nowhere else that I can see.

Here’s the group’s statement from 12 May:

The… CFMEU… National… Executive… in… October… 2009… discussed… the… latest… state… of… affairs… regarding… the longstanding… Israeli/Palestinian… conflict… and… considered… information… regarding… the… Boycott, Divestment… and… Sanctions… (BDS)… approach… being… adopted… by… some… national… trade… union… centres.
The… CFMEU… Executive… resolved… to… invite… the… Palestinian… Ambassador… to… Australia… to… address… the
CFMEU’s… NEC… and… then… consider… our… union’s… approach… to… this… matter… further.

The… NEC… heard… from… Izzat… Abdulhadi… at… its… February… meeting… and… considered… the… arguments… for… a
boycott… of… products… and… goods… produced… in… illegal… settlements… in… the… Occupied… Palestinian

Since… that… time… further… provocations… have… been… forthcoming… from… the… current… aggressive… Netanyahu
regime… including… the… announcement… of… the… construction… of… fresh… settlements… during… the… visit… of… US
Vice… President… Biden… and… the… use… of… false… passports… (including… forged… Australian… documents)… in… the
Dubai… killing… of… a… Hamas… official.

Most…  recently…  following…  the…  debate…  at…  the…  UK…  TUC…  Congress,…  the…  TUC…  have…  joined…  with…  the…  call…  for…  a
selective…  consumer…  boycott…  of…  goods…  produced…  by…  Israeli…  Settlements…  in…  the…  Occupied…  Palestinian
Territories…  under…  the…  general…  banner…  of…  the…  global…  ”˜BDS’…  campaign.…  This…  has…  been…  assisted…  by…  recent
UK… Government… moves… to… clearly… label… such… goods… as… coming… from… occupied… Palestine.

With… comrades… Mal… Tulloch… and… David… Forde… who… have… just… returned… from… a… tour… of… the… Occupied
Territories… during… the… recent… APHEDA… visit… to… Israel… and… Palestine… furnishing… us… with… detailed
information… on… the… Palestinian… situation,… the… CFMEU… is… now… in… a… position… to… adopt… a… considered
approach… on… a… union… wide… level.

In… all… the… circumstances… the… CFMEU… believes… that… a… boycott… of… products… made… in… the… illegal settlements… is… justified… and… is… the… kind… of… solidarity… action… that… can… send… a… message… loud… and… clear… to
the… Netanyahu… government.

The… CFMEU… further… resolves… that… we… will… argue… for… this… approach… in… the… forums… of… the… labour
movement… in… Australia… including… the… ACTU… and… the… ALP… and… that… we… will… also… argue… for… it… in
international… forums… as… appropriate.

The… approach… recommended… on… the… BDS… question… remains… one… aspect… of… the… broad… solidarity… and
support… that… should… be… rendered… to… the… long… suffering… Palestinian… people… until… a… just… and… lasting
peace… is… secured… with… a… durable… two… state… solution.