Independent Australian Jewish Voices September newsletter

The following email has just been sent to our email list:

Hi all,
We would like to remind you of the upcoming speaking tour by the Israeli historian and social activist Professor Ilan Pappe, which IAJV has co-sponsored. He will be speaking in… Sydney… (at… the… Opera House’s Festival of Dangerous Ideas and elsewhere),… Wollongong… (where he will be a keynote at the Collaborative Struggle Conference),… Adelaide… (where he will be giving the Edward Said Memorial Lecture),… Canberra… (where he will address the National Press Club), and in… Melbourne. We encourage you to attend these events if any are in your city.
In other news, Peter Slezak’s tour earlier this year of the Palestinian Occupied Territories is now the subject of a radio documentary on ABC’s Radio National (you can listen to it here). The documentary is called… Breaking the Silence, and its details are as follows:
How are Palestinians living under the Occupation in the West Bank and Gaza?
Academic, writer and commentator Peter Slezak took a tour of the Palestinian Occupied Territories earlier this year and met with a range of Palestinians and Israelis including members of the Israeli NGO Breaking the Silence, who take tours around hotspots in the West Bank and Gaza.
His journey, as the son of holocaust survivors, was confronting and harrowing as he witnessed what this Occupation means in terms of the human rights abuses that occur routinely, and the annexation of Palestinian lands to large Israeli settlements and to the 700 km long Separation Wall.
Peter was also involved in the recent… Beyond the Last Sky… symposium, which explored the representation of Palestine in Australia.… Beyond the Last Sky… is a… photographic exhibition at the Australian Centre for Photography… in Sydney’s Paddington. It is the first exhibition in Australia solely dedicated to contemporary Palestinian photography and video. The details of the exhibition, which is free and open until the 18th of November, are… here.
As we have mentioned in the past, the book… Beyond Tribal Loyalties: Personal Stories of Jewish Peace Activists… is now published. There is a recent two-part radio interview with the editor of the book (Avigail Abarbanel)… and three of its contributors (Peter Slezak,… Vivienne Porzsolt… and Nicole Erlich). The interview is from… 3CR Community Radio’s… Palestine Remembered… show and… can be downloaded here.
Another book we’ve mentioned in the past, co-edited by… Antony Loewenstein, is… After Zionism.… It discusses the one-state solution and features new writings from some of the key thinkers on the Israel/Palestine conflict, including John Mearsheimer, Sara Roy, Joseph Dana, Ghada Karmi and many others. Antony recently went on a book tour of Israel and Palestine,… here are some of the details of the tour.
As always, the… IAJV website… is being constantly updated with the latest news and views about the Middle East, as are our… twitter… and… facebook… accounts.

And we would be grateful for support for our ongoing efforts,… without which we would not have been able to continue our various activities including helping to sponsor Professor Pappe’s tour.… Donations can be made in the following ways. You may use the “Donate” button on our website…

Or use the following bank details for making an electronic transfer:

Unicom Credit Union
BSB: 802-396
Name: IAJV
Account Number: 26241843

Cheques can be written to “IAJV” and posted to:

PO Box 6128
UNSW Sydney, NSW 1466

Thank you in advance,

Independent Australian Jewish Voices
Peter Slezak
Antony Loewenstein
Eran Asoulin
James Levy