In the last weeks since the publication of a petition that I helped write, Do Better on Palestine, there’s been a lot of media backlash and public support. It’s a call for the media to more fairly and accurately report on Israel/Palestine. US-based outlet The Intercept has just covered the whole saga and helpfully places…
Showing all posts tagged Hamas
US network The Real News interview on US/Israeli mercenaries in Yemen
I was interviewed this week on US network The Real News: The US-based mercenary company Spear Group, headed by an Israeli and hired by a Palestinian on behalf of the UAE, conducts extra-judicial killings in Yemen. Antony Loewenstein discusses the details:

Ticking time bomb in Gaza
My feature story in the Sydney Morning Herald/Melbourne Age… (alongside my short film and photographs): Umm al-Nasr, Gaza Strip: Everybody in Gaza fears another war. After the 2014 conflict, which killed 2250 Palestinians and 70 Israelis, little has changed on the ground for the territory’s 2 million residents. A local psychiatrist, Khaled Dahlan, recently told me…

US magazine Truthout interview on disaster capitalism and Gaza
My interview in US magazine Truthout by Dan Falcone: Dan Falcone recently interviewed journalist, blogger, filmmaker,… activist and author Antony Loewenstein in East Jerusalem via Skype to discuss his current film project,… Disaster Capitalism… — inspired by his 2015 book,… Disaster Capitalism: Making A Killing Out Of Catastrophe… (Verso, 2015),… as well as a host of domestic and foreign issues impacting…

The importance of creating a one-state solution in Palestine
My book review in Electronic Intifada: The Re-Emergence of the Single State Solution in Palestine/Israel… by Cherine Hussein (Routledge, 2015) The death of the… two-state solution… for Israel and Palestine has been a long time coming. Israeli journalist… Avi Issacharoff… recently… wrote in… The Times of Israel… that the settler movement had “won.” “No Palestinian state will exist here beside the State of…
My Politics in the Pub speech on Gaza and Palestine
Last week I spoke at Sydney’s Politics in the Pub about the recent Gaza conflict and implications for global attitudes towards Israel. Thanks to Cathy Vogan for filming the event:

Palestinians now wanting true justice under one-state solution
In 2013, I released with my co-editor Ahmed Moor the edited collection, After Zionism. It featured many prominent views on the viability and necessity of a one-state solution in Israel and Palestine. Now a new study of Palestinians, via Haaretz, reveals the growing belief amongst Palestinians in Palestine that a state treating all its citizens…

How to solve the Middle East crisis in eight minutes
Rap News have been producing sensational political videos for years. Their latest, on Israel/Palestine, is a cracker:

Why the Wikileaks Party visit to Syria was so delusional
My weekly Guardian column is published below: The sight of Australian citizens associated with the WikiLeaks party… sitting and chatting… with Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad… during their… recent… “solidarity… mission”, along with their comments about the regime, is a damning indictment on a party that ran a… dismal election campaign… in 2013 and has never bothered to explain… its subsequent collapse. For WikiLeaks supporters…