Zionist delusions in full display

Following the Zionist response yesterday in the Melbourne Age to a recent article about Israel’s true history, two letters in today’s edition:

Lamm is wrong ”¦
DANNY Lamm’s “she’s always right” take on Israel (Opinion, 7/4) runs counter to the evidence. Lamm’s line that “Israel and the Palestinian Authority are working together with great difficulty to establish an Israel and a Palestine living side by side together in peace”, is contradicted by Israeli Infrastructure Minister Ben-Eliezer. He has admitted that Israel is only going through the motions, describing Israeli-PA negotiations as “only virtual negotiations”. The only real movement is on the ground, as Israeli settlements continue to expand, pulling the rug of a viable, independent and contiguous Palestinian state from under the feet of the PA. Israel is taking all the right steps along the path to wiping Palestine off the map.

Colin Andersen, Lapstone, NSW

”¦ No, he’s right
WELL said, Danny Lamm. His response to Peter Slezak’s and Antony Loewenstein’s flawed article (Opinion, 31/3) confirms that these two “authors” have earned little respect from the mainstream Jewish community, and also demonstrates how easily they are prepared to dismiss historical accuracy if it gets in the way of their cause. The Independent Australian Jewish Voices will learn that making noise may generate some initial interest, but the public soon loses interest if there is a lack of intellectual substance to accompany it.

Alan Freedman, East St Kilda